Two seemingly opposite views of data, Microdata & BIG DATA, will influence of next Global Business Models or the ‘blueprints’ used to ensure that businesses survive and thrive.

Microdata is your Business

Unless you understand how Microdata impacts your data or content and how it impacts the ability of your customers to find your content then you will pay others to manage your customer relationships.  Microdata is your business!

From Wikipedia

Microdata is a WHATWG HTML specification used to nest semantics within existing content on web pages.[1] Search engines, web crawlers, and browsers can extract and process Microdata from a web page and use it to provide a richer browsing experience for users. Microdata use a supporting vocabulary to describe an item and name-value pairs to assign values to its properties.[2] Microdata helps technologies such as search engines and web crawlers better understand what information is contained in a web page, providing better search results. Microdata is an attempt to provide a simpler way of annotating HTML elements with machine readable tags than the similar approaches of using RDFa and Microformats.

Microdata vocabularies provide the semantics, or meaning of an Item. Web developers can design a custom vocabulary or use vocabularies available on the web. A collection of commonly used (and Google Supported[3]) Microdata vocabularies located at http://data-vocabulary.org which include: Person, Event, Organization, Product, Review, Review-aggregate, Breadcrumb, Offer, Offer-aggregate. Other markup vocabularies are provided by Schema.org schemas. Major search engines rely on this markup to improve search results. For some purposes, an ad-hoc vocabulary is adequate. For others, a vocabulary will need to be designed. Where possible, authors are encouraged to re-use existing vocabularies, as this makes content re-use easier.[1]

Google is Microdata

Google is one of many vendors assisting the W3C in creating Microdata standards so understanding how Microdata impacts the Google services your or your customers consume is important to your business.


Twitter trumps SEO in web pages because of its use of natural resonance.  Resonance is a simple concept and related to your business it means that people that find your stories useful will repeat them, if they don’t your stories die.  The same thing happens in Twitter where Tweets that don’t matter to people die and people that repeat useless stories (aka spam) are easy to see–not so with SEO where out of data stories often confuse people and search engine spiders.

Microdata is a new standard that makes it very difficult for spammers to go back to old stories and is a ‘re-set’ for advertisers who want to avoid spammers that exploit Google, Amazon or APPS to take money away from your business.

How SEO spam affects business and the positive impact of Twitter Resonance


Twitter’s use of resonance inspired the creation of our SpeedSynch resonance maps and a short article on Resonance, email and SEO.

The SpeedSynch resonance map below was created from the W3C paper which focuses on Microdata standards.

The resonance maps shows that the focus of the paper is ‘how’ Microdata is done rather than ‘why’ or impact of ROI return on investment–who pays, who benefits.

Note the editor is a Google employee.



Profit in business directly corresponds to the alignment of products and customers which is done via content or data.  The faster your business can tune the alignment of products, content and customers, the better your relationships and profits.

More data or BIG DATA may help you but unless you understand how and why Microdata will impact your future business models then any BIG DATA or HPC investments may not achieve the ROI your expect.

Ask us about the relationships of BIG DATA, Microdata, Business Models, Product Launches and ROI.


Nick Trendov nick@scenario2.com @SpeedSynch @Scenario_2

EU Content Distribution Rules highlight value in fast Product, Content & Customer Alignment

The EU court just ruled that territorial distribution of soccer television broadcasting is invalid which throws old established business models out the window and provides fast companies with an amazing opportunity to step into a huge ‘business model gap’.

High-SpeedSynch View of the EU Ruling


The SpeedSynch Resonance map above illustrates the core concepts in how the media is breaking the EU ruling.

Opportunities in Business Model Innovation

Finding opportunities in change and exploiting them quickly are two different things and SpeedSynch facilitates the finding of core concepts and content which can be analyzed to determine opportunity and prepare a project or action plan.

Go-to-Market fast in 5 Steps

  1. Identify opportunity value concepts with SpeedSynch Resonance Maps — see High-SpeedSynch View above
  2. Search for companies or markets that are affected by the EU ruling
  3. Determine the assets needed to create value for companies or markets impacted by the EU ruling
  4. Acquire assets needed to create a new value proposition to help companies or markets adapt to the EU ruling
  5. Go-to-Market plan with distinct Product Launch Readiness and Content Launch Readiness metrics


Nick nick@scenario2.com @SpeedSynch @Scenario_2

Product Launch Readiness, Talent Couture and the Next New Business Model

Successfully launching new products or the next innovative business model requires finding and aligning great talent–inside and outside of your company, and finding, mining and refining great talent starts with articulating expected business outcomes, measures or metrics in order to identify the right people with the right talent to get the job done.

Starting from the Outcome

Focusing on the end result or starting from the answer helps people in your company focus on the questions they must address and offers a simple way to adjust if the desired outcomes are changed by customers or managers.

Product Launch Readiness

Taking a new product to market is complex in the best of times and even more interesting in difficult times where new products reflect new business models, new partner relationships or a positive way to recover from the poor expectations of older products pounded by competitors in a brutal market space.

New product launches require preparation and often fail because products are launched before they are ready or not launched as they exceed their budgets or fail to meet the value expectations of the business or their customers.

Right Talent and Measures Reduce Product Launch Risk

Product launches are challenging and an effective way to reduct the risk in the go-to-market process is to create product launch measures that indicate when a project is ahead or behind schedule according to the perspective of the people or talent in the project–we call this a readiness review. 

Readiness Review is a simple concept where the work done in a project is assessed from the perspective of whether the work done can be used to successfully complete the next phase of the new product launch.

Most projects have work units where project teams review or measure the work done and then continue or pass their work to other groups to proceed with the product launch, and this is where product readiness measures add high value by determining if the work done meets the needs of the next project phase or the group that relies on it to successfully complete the next project element.

Reducing product risk launches requires aligning the right people with the right talent  and offering project measures and readiness reviews that guide and support the product launch team to achieve the desired business outcomes.

Talent Couture

We have used the idea of Talent Couture to find the right people with the right talent to execute a successful new product launch project even as customer needs, business model expectations change on a daily basis, and this is done by ‘dressing’ resumes or CVs for success by allowing people to articulate how their talent applies to the new product launch and by designing ‘fashionably and culturally rich’ descriptions of the talent required to successfully take the new product to market.

Aligning ‘fashionably and culturally’ rich project requirements to ‘dressed for success’ talent is done quickly with SpeedSynch Resonance Maps where project teams, hiring managers and human resources staff can simultaneously shap the requirements that are used to mine, find and align great talent to challenging projects.

Contact us about our Workopolis success story and why LinkedIn didn’t quite deliver the goods in an important healthcare elearning project that was expected to impact highly on stakeholders and business value.

Nick Trendov @Scenario_2 @GROUPS_GROUPS @ResonantView @SpeedSynch @eDiscovery_

Can your content work faster, further and harder, globally?

Scenario2 combines Predictive Analytics with Resonance Maps clearly show how product content resonates with customers, when content must be tuned and where content is needed according to meet changing customer expectations.

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps makes your content work faster, further and harder, globally.



Nick Trendov

nick@scenario2.com SpeedSynch.com @SpeedSynch @Scenario2 Scenario2.com


BRIGHTCOVE SpeedSynch Resonance Maps by Scenario2

Our Brightcove web Resonance Maps show how we measure elements of PRODUCT CONTENT READINESS, our wholistic multi-lingual measure used to measure and tune content that aligns product, content and people.


BRIGHTCOVE PROFILE en: SpeedSynch Resonance Maps by Scenario2


ONLINE VIDEO: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


CAREERS: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


TOP REASONS WHY: SpeedSynch Resonance Map



BRIGHTCOVE PROFILE fr: SpeedSynch Resonance Maps by Scenario2


ONLINE VIDEO: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


CAREERS: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


TOP REASONS WHY: SpeedSynch Resonance Map 



BRIGHTCOVE PROFILE de: SpeedSynch Resonance Maps by Scenario2



CAREERS: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


TOP REASONS WHY: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


ONLINE VIDEO: SpeedSynch Resonance Map


A Critical Stress Test for your Business

Measuring the alignment of your Products and Customers is a critical business stress test that will help you adjust to the impact on your customers of the global financial crisis over the past three years.

Business Stress Tests & Heart Attacks

Stress in a business is worse than stress in an individual because few companies know how to percieve or measure the stress that slowly builds up over time.  People who ignore the signs of stress suffer heart attacks which can kill.

Mayo Clinic Understands Stress

Mis-understanding signs of stress can kill you and this is understood by the Mayo clinic who highlight the fact that signs of an imminent heart attack are confused by most people–they don’t know how to measure when a hear attack is about to occur. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heart-attack-symptoms/HB00054

What is a Stress Test?

The recent financial crisis shows that regulators appear to view the banks like a heart attack victim where the probability of a second or third heart attack is quite high and may kill the patient.  To help patients understand how their body’s new physical reality and to reduce their risk to a second heart attack doctors put mild stress on the heart by asking the patient to excercise and then measure the results to see how the heart responds.  The doctor shows the patient in a controlled environment signs of stress so they can change their perception of how much effort is beyond what their heart can deliver after their heart attack and hopefully the patient learns how to change their measures of how much work they can do to correspond to the decreased capacity of their heart rather then their previous reality where their heart could take much more stress.


Stress in your Product and Customer Relationship

The value the products deliver to your customers is the ‘heart’ of your business and it this value has changed in the past three years, guaranteed. 

Your customers might have demanded lower prices, newer product features, financing options or simply put aside your product by changing their business processes or moving to your competitor and this changed would have changed the relationship of your product to your customers.

There is something worse however than dealing with customer demands and that is losing customers by not knowlng they have moved on because of their own business stress which you were unable to aleviate, or even worse you may have repelled potential customers by not adapting your products fast enough to be valuable to current needs.

Businesses often don’t know they’ve had a ‘heart attack’ as their customers may leave slowly over time so a stress test must indicate changes in customer perception before they leave.

Stress Measures

The simplest way to measure stress in the Product and Customer relationship is by measuring the changes in content you customers need to extract or apply the value they derive from your product and content needs may be measured simply by the resources needed to help your current or future customers define their problems or questions and how your products help them refine their solutions or answers.

Experienced customers tend not to ask questions as they better than you how they use your product in their business so in this case it is important to find a way to observe changes in their business and infer how this affects your product as often they will not say that they are about to drop your product.

New customers often requires more hand holding, have more questions and seem to require more support as they learn how to fit your product into their business operations.

Predictive Analytics & Stress Testing

As your business understands how it must respond to the new business reality, just like a recovering heart attack victim, it is important to measure the way customers ask questions or articulate the answers they need to understand their problems or the solutions they seek.  The ability to measure changes in your Product and Customer relationship helps you understand future needs in your customers and offer unique solutions that attract new customers faster than your competitors. 

Predictive analytis tools help us measure customer content needs and infer how the problems or solutiions that are important in their businesses so that we can  align our answers or products to help their solve their questions.

Stress Tests are Competitive Weapons

Stress testing is simple once we understand changing content needs of customers.  We simply poll all of our customers to understand if they would change to a new product designed to meet a particualr stress that we have identified by understanding changing content needs.  When we have identified an opportunity for a new product then we offer this product to our competitor’s customers to stress test their Product and Customer relationships.

Ask us about Customer and Product stress testing and how we have used them as competitive weapons.


Nick Trendov @Scenario_2 @SpeedSynch @ResonantView nick@scenario2.com


Google+ tunes SEO into the Power of Groups

Google comes out swinging to stem the movement of user eyeballs to Social Media giants like Facebook, Twitter and Skype with Google+ which tunes SEO and search into the power of Groups.

What is Google+?

For the past 20 years my custom has been to wait until people I know explore a new software platform to benefit from their expertise and provide context to how I might benefit by using the software.  While this may seem slow it is not as usually someone in my personal, professional or social networks jumps on a new ‘thing’ very quickly and this has saved me significant stress by avoiding platforms like Facebook and SEO by leveraging the skills of other people so that I can focus on more valuable activities in my life.

I’ve created the SpeedSynch summary and Resonance Maps below for the the business folks that have asked me about Google+ until I do more research.


For Google+, however, the company dove in with both feet, launching a multi-faceted service that brings a lot to the table with features like Circles, Hang Out, and Huddle.

The page is constructed around a familiar content stream populated with content from your friends” updates and posts — things like links, photos, and location updates…. The “Circles” feature comes into play in the stream, offering users the option of sending posted content to specified groups or making it public for all the world to see…

This means you can separate your work buddies from drinking buddies — or, “epic bros” as Google suggests categorizing them.

Plus” “Hangout” feature has its sights firmly set on Skype”s multi-user video chat…. Once the plug-in is installed, clicking the button will deliver a note to your followers” stream letting them know that you”re “hanging out.” Clicking the button triggers a Skype-like window with the faces of those you”re chatting with.

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps of Google+ Overview



Google+ seems a little different than other social platforms though I’m still waiting for the three global experts that I know to offer their opinions and more importantly how they can exploit Google+.

Seriously why would you use any software unless it serves you?


Nick Trendov nick@scenario2.com SpeedSynch.com @SpeedSynch @Scenario2 Scenario2.com

Advertising, Content Farms, Global Search Wars & Google Panda

Google focus shifts from Spam to Quality

During a recent Wired interview Google’s search-quality guru Amit Singhal said,“…we basically got a lot of good fresh content, and some not so good. The problem had shifted from random gibberish, which the spam team had nicely taken care of, into somewhat more like written prose. But the content was shallow…”


Google’s focus on their spam problem created a quality problem which had to be addressed sooner rather than later and Panda came to the rescue.


Google’s Panda Search Update  

Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts, Google’s anti-spam guy, praised an internal engineer for ‘figuring it out’ how to deal with the shallow content but rumors are rife that manual searcher ‘blocking’ feedback where Google Search users would ‘block’ certain sites from their search results were a big factor in solving the new problem faced by Singhal and Cutts and it may be fair to say that Google ‘customers’ focused Google’s attention on which sites may have be problematic and then afterwards the searcher blocked sites might have influenced the overall re-tuning of the Google search algorithm.


Webmasters that depend on search to attract people and advertising dollars to their websites naturally have their own opinions on the goal and outcome of Google’s Panda update.


Webmaster World Panda Commentary

This is one of thousands of blog posts about the Panda update which we chose because it describes how search must ultimately accommodate the needs and stories of individual searchers.  Algorithms are nice, but they just don’t help searchers with constantly changing needs and stories—algorithms are backward facing, and probably the reason that searcher blocked sites were believed to be the most significant factor in influencing the Panda search algo change globally.


Quite simply Google can’t guess the perspectives taken by individual searchers, nationally or globally.


“From all my observations it seems the new algo is part based on the way Watson came up with answers on Jeopardy which is a very story based way of thinking.

Look at all the clues G has given – the old “did you mean this” that came out last year was a good clue. Consider all the contextual word association meaning patents G has and is heavily using.

On a very simple level – look at the keyword results the keyword tool returns for a query. If you have lists of relevant words for a keyword from last year and compare it to this year, they are most likely not the same. This shows the “learning” level of the algorithm and how the associations of one word to the next have changed.

If you get your hands on a document analyzer, you put the doc into it and it tells you all the relevant themes and the strength and relationship of those themes and the story signature of the content. You don’t even have to read the doc to be able to talk about it intelligently. My belief that is that is what G is doing and relating that to Watson’s mind’s working as this sniffs out the “story” the user is looking for.

This way of thinking is beyond the technical feedback loop of using keywords and creating content around those but engaging in the story around the keywords both on the site and off the site. Social media is telling the story around relevance of the keywords to the story the user wants to explore and which G wants to give. It is my view that is how the algo now works around incoming links and social media relevance. This is why real sites based around relevant topics with user engagement on and off the site were not hit. It also shows why the so called content farms and others that fall under the old technical thinking of keywords were hit.

I have been studying this for 11 months now since hit by mayday which I believe was the first implementation of this way of working and started dialoguing with people in the “story” end of seo thinking and now I agree and that is my conclusion. Needless to say, I am approaching SEO in a different way now. I am not dropping the old but putting my mind into the new for here on in.”


Webmasters may have to adjust.


Panda Says CIAO to Microsoft’s Ciao

The battle to control content and associated advertising revenues has gone global with an interesting twist, collateral damage that is ‘accidental’ by virtue of Google ‘improving’ it’s search engine algorithm in an attempt to boost its search quality and relevance. 


This is what happened to CIAO in the EU;


One of the worst hit by the “Panda” update was Ciao.co.uk, a Microsoft-owned company that had been leading an EU competition case against Google.


Ciao’s web visibility fell by 94% according to analysis by Searchmetrics.

Google’s head of search evaluation, Scott Huffman, said it was “almost absurd” to suggest that the results were rigged…”


German Panda Spotting

“…Nachdem das Panda/Farmer-Update in den USA letztens schon für erhebliches Aufsehen gesorgt hat, war es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis Google diese Ranking-Anpassungen ebenfalls im Rest der Welt einspielen würde. Gestern hat Google sich nun entschieden, Panda für alle englisch-sprachigen Suchbegriffe zu aktivieren. Wie bei meiner Analyse des Updates in den USA, möchte ich gerne ein paar Daten und Zahlen zu den jetzt in England vorgenommenen Anpassungen veröffentlichen. Wie immer basieren diese Zahlen auf den Daten der SISTRIX Toolbox und wurden sowohl vor dem Update (Anfang letzter Woche) als auch gestern und heute nach dem Update erhoben. Los geht es mit einer Tabelle der 30 größten Verlierer dieses Updates:..”



“…After the Panda / Farmer update in the U.S. has finally been taken care of quite a stir, it was only a matter of time for Google to import these adjustments also ranking in the rest of the world would. Yesterday, Google has now decided to activate panda for all Englishlanguage search terms. As with my analysis of the update to the U.S., I would like to publish some data and figures on the adjustments made in England now. As always, these numbers are based on data from the toolbox and SISTRIX were both before the update (early last week) and collected yesterday and today after the update. It starts with a table of the 30 biggest losers of this update:..”


Mexican Standoff

When asked whether Panda was accomplishing its objectives, replies from Singhal and Cutts were telling;


Singhal: It’s really doing what we said it would do.

Cutts: Which isn’t to say we won’t look at feedback.


Sinhal is about search quality, keeping searchers happy and Cutts must motivate the legions of webmasters who direct their website visitors to Google or rather optimize their content to Google.


Trust is the new Prize in Search 


The bottom line of any search model is revenue from Advertisers promoting products for sales or from bounties offered for delivering searchers to sellers who aim to recoup their investments from profitable sales.  Indeed these simple models may have been the main reasons web surfers moved from search to Social Media sites where they could ‘trust’ the responses of people to their questions rather than search engine spiders fed by Advertisers.


The prize in search from the customer point of view has moved from information to trust and Google’s Panda is an attempt to respond to the market that quickly moved to Social Media and beyond.


How to Deliver Trust

The fastest way to deliver ‘trust’ to searchers is to hand back ‘control’ and let them declare their perspectives and share experiences with other searchers with similar needs, temporary though they may be, in a hybrid form of search that focuses on story perspectives or Resonance.

But which stories? 


In 2011 Curators Own Social Media

In our experience the value of a message or content delivery increases if it can be oriented to either a single person or small group and to accomplish this we look to focus on customer behaviour patterns and TransMedia or Cross Media tools.

We let our customers tell us which questions, answers or stories are important to them, and this may be done anonymously, quickly and simply by using NeuroPersona tools.


Ask us about how we evaluate the alignment between your product stories, customer behaviours, search optimization and the social media spaces where people share their related questions and answers.




Nick Trendov

nick@scenario2.com @SpeedSynch @ResonantView @Groups_Groups @eDiscovery_

Will Lawyers learn from innovation #IN Google Search?

Lawyers may benefit by learning from Google has radically and innovatively changed its definition of search.

Did Google Kill Search?

In February 2011 Google appears to have radically changed how they define search, the first such large scale change since Google came to market. 

While no one outside Google knows, it looks like Google search is now;

·     1/3 Google Algorithm rather than 100% before February 2011

·     1/3 Social Signals – Twitter & Facebook and other influencers

·     1/3 Web site ‘Experience’ – based on site interactions



This ‘formula’ was articulated to me and displayed here only to show the significant perspective change Google may have taken related to search. 

The old definition of search had degraded so much that it would be fair to say that change was not an option so it may be useful to consider changes in search perspectives for legal professionals who are hard pressed to deliver low cost effective eDiscovery results to their clients.

Lawyers and Legal Search

Lawyers and legal firms are extremely focused on search, but not for the reasons you would think.

Search in legal markets is a money maker though one piece of the eDiscovery puzzle its promise to lawyers, courts and their clients is that it will help ‘uncover’ or mine a ‘smoking gun’ for plaintiffs or defendants.

We believe that Google’s innovative changes to search are a cause for a pause and consideration of how lawyers and legal firms and services providers might deliver cheaper, faster or better eDiscovery.

Lawyers, eDiscovery & Google

The legal industry, like any other, has interesting stories and myths and the mythology of search appears to be quite unique to eDiscovery vendors and services providers.

Electronic search is not solely defined by Google but Google does influence search and searcher perspectives so we start with Google’s search interactions to understand its influence on lawyers and eDiscovery. 

Answers, Questions & Lawyers

Searchers typically have a question in their mind or focus on an answer and seek ‘content’ to clarify their question or justify their answer.  Lawyers may not be that different than other searchers.

eDiscovery Costs & Proportionality

Lawyers are honest professionals and act in the best interests of their clients, though very lucky when it comes to search as their clients pay the costs of eDiscovery searches.  There is considerable RISK and cost related to eDiscovery search and as a consequence the courts have favoured the concept of proportionality to share costs among legal action participants.

While proportionality is a good idea, it may not impact the rampant and easy manipulation of eDiscovery.

·     Do we really need costly eDiscovery every time?

·     Is there a measure to help us determine when?

·     Can’t we use our own tools and trusted employees in eDiscovery?

·     Is any business value created in the eDiscovery process?

eDiscovery as By-Product

If search is important to eDiscovery, is eDiscovery important to search? 

It may be that properly executed eDiscovery projects would yield findings that can be recycled or re-used by the rest of the business rather than ‘throw away results’ suitable on for lawyers or trials.

Search Standards, eDiscovery & Quality

Some eDiscovery vendors appear to be lobbying for the creation of eDiscovery search standards.  An interesting position, though in our experience precision reduces the flexibility needed to accommodate constantly changing search objectives—all searches are different.

Search quality is held up by some vendors to justify eDiscovery standards though quality is a measure that changes with objectives.  To clients quality may mean achieving an outcome un-related to search, to vendors quality may mean excluding competitors that don’t meet their standards.

Is Search a Measure or Process?

Search is simple, we need something, don’t know where it is, so we search. 

Search has a starting point, ending point and many ways to measure results.

Search standards are great if fixed processes create high quality outcomes.  I’m not sure that any form of search standard would deliver such a guarantee regardless of the skills and consistency of searchers.

The ROI of search is usually evaluated by search results un-related to the process of search, so it seems that focusing search to an eDiscovery scenario or outcome may help improve assessment of search quality.

Search, Social Signals & YouTube

When Google pushed past Yahoo in the mid to late 1990’s entrepreneurs quickly figured out how to exploit search engines to make easy money by stepping between product manufacturers and millions of buyers on the web. 

As a consequence every manufacturer or re-seller that didn’t take counter-measures saw their brands pushed down in search engine results pages (SERP) which instantly made their brands invisible to people that used web search to find products or where to buy them. 

The web created new competitors to manufacturers and may have significantly devalued their brands and while Web buyers could go anywhere to buy anything they quickly became distracted by options as measuring and deciding on 2 or 3 options is not the same as looking at 1,000.

Silicon Valley Search Battles

The value of search as initially defined by Yahoo, Google and a handful of other Silicon Valley firms was ‘degrading’ and would quickly get worse as the Venture Capitalists that invested in competitors to Yahoo and Google needed a way to make money. 

A few years later VC’s found an ingenious investment vehicle where they could successfully make money in the IPO market–Social Media software platforms Flickr, Word Press, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

People soon found that they would rather trust people rather than search engine spiders or the advertisers that fed them and the Silicon Valley VC’s happily to delivered Social Media software platforms to markets.

Follow the Money

Social Media would not become wildly popular until early 2009 but the SEO entrepreneurs responded very quickly as their ‘easy money’ was quickly drying up.  They fought back by creating ‘instant’ content or backlinks to manipulate SERP lists.  Large vendors like Adobe also saw the writing on the wall and created or purchased content generation engines; Adobe acquired Day Software and AOL acquired The Huffington Post.

Shortly afterwards web amateurs finally saw the ‘easy money’ they too climbed aboard the gravy train, the value of search as defined by Google in the late 1990’s degraded even faster.

Google then responded to protect the value of its search franchise by acquiring Metaweb, a semantic database firm, started its own blog platform, added the notion of ‘social signals’ to search by achieving Twitter feeds while simultaneously pushing the SEO entrepreneurs to create video content and feed its YouTube pipes and squarely target old-school Media conglomerates.

Search is a technical topic though simple and rewarding if searchers keep the right perspective according to the outcome that they need to accomplish.

Ask us about Predictive and Agile Search!


Nick Trendov @eDiscovery_ @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView

ROI Mining, Re-Capture & Re-Use

ROI Re-Capture, just like ‘Carbon Capture’, is based on a simple concept that content, like carbon, is a by-product of work and relationships between people, content and processes are created when projects are planned and executed. 


While the energy stored in carbon may take some time to Re-Use, the ROI embedded in content and expertise may be exploited very quickly if properly aligned to future projects.


ROI Mining, Re-Capture, Re-Use

ROI or return on investment is a calculation that identifies the value created by an investment in a project and typically the value measured excludes content that is created during a project.  Mining the content value of previous projects, internal content or content from suppliers or customers, represents an opportunity  to quickly exploit value that you have already created. 


Rather than start from ‘zero’, SpeedSynch’s ROI Re-Capture methodology is used to map people, content and process relationships and then tune content to the new project and delivered quickly to the right people at the right time.


Our ROI Re-Capture approach exploits SpeedSynch internet marketing software and Social Media “Resonance Maps’ to align content to the right people according to their process and project needs. 


SpeedSynch Resonance Maps and ROI Re-Capture

SpeedSynch Resonance Maps may be crafted from content in databases, email, Twitter or Social Media sites to help the project team, inside or outside, ramp up fast.  IT projects or Advertising and Marketing programs may benefit equally from ROI Re-Capture.

Our Resonance Maps create value in three broad areas–


1.     Wayfinding or Navigation – SEO is a small part of this value.

2.     Accelerated Learning – align content to process and people relationships.

3.     ROI ‘Re-Capture’ — mine and align existing content to future projects.

Contact us to ask how we can help you Mine, Re-Capture and Re-Use ROI yours or from your suppliers or customers.



Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView

GIST #in novation in #workstyle Twitter Conversation speeds up Instant Content Creation or Curation




Nick Trendov @Groups_Groups @SpeedSynch @ResonantView