Value of Twitter-type Resonance Tools #IN Mobile Advertising and Marketing Models

Twitter-type Resonance advertising tools provide great value to stressed out marketers and advertisers who look to reachout to mobile customers as Social Media, data overload, SEO spam overwhelm traditional advertising and media business models.

What is Resonance?

The simplest way to understand Resonance is to picture someone juggling one or more tennis balls.  They juggle as long as the story or content represented by the tennis ball is meaningful to them and when their focus or perspective changes they drop the balls they don’t need and pick up others.

People and tennis balls (stories or content) must resonante with each other.

Resonance via Resonance Maps

Resonance is Juggling Stories or Content that you need

Groups, Resonance and Trust

Since juggling a lot of tennis balls simultaneously may be stressful, busy people rely on people they trust to provide guidance and suggestions as to the tennis balls that may help them in their day and ask someone to toss them a tennis ball that they need and when they are done they drop it. Resonance Juggler

Resonance is like juggling Tennis balls

Resonance Confuses Marketers and Advertisers

Advertisers and Marketers lob stories into Twitter

Lobbing Advertising Stories into Twitter

SEO may have conditioned marketers and advertisers to serve as much content as possible out via internet web sites, blogs and social media platforms, after all the price was right, pushing content was virtually free.

In late 2008 over half of all searches started in social media platforms rather than search engines as people began to trust other people rather than the search engine spiders and the advertisers that fed them.  Twitter’s use of Resonance in a mobile software platform that includes elements of voting and self-forming groups offers the most unique value to advertisers and marketers. 

Twitter makes It is easy to understand which stories or content resonate with people, groups across different geographies and spam is inconsequential.

Twitter-type Resonance is Spam Free

When the SEO crews that made millions with the Google business model encounters the social media platforms that were islands they incorporated various techniques to get inside, something that the search engine spiders could not do.  The most common technique was ‘The Follower‘ where spammers set up shop and formed groups to overwhelm natural groups and the content they generate inside Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media spaces.

Spammers Fail to Pollute Twiiter

Advertisers and Marketers try to use technology on Twitter

Technology Fails to Overwhelm Twitter Trust

Spammers use every means and technology possible to lob in as many stories as possible, Twitter however has one important difference, if people don’t like stories or content they just drop the ball and if they don’t repeat or Re-Tweet then the content dies unlike a blog or space where spam sits around forever and polutes the perspectives and trust of natural group members.

Predictive Analytics and Mobile Marketing Resonance

SpeedSynch Resonance maps offer tools and techniques to measure the alignment of People, Content, Products or Processes and predict changes in Resonance so that advertisers or marketers can adjust their messages and budget allociations accordingly.

This is the Resonance Map of a mobile marketing entrpreneur and it is possible to see what is top of mind for him and the people that rely on his content via his blog and Twitter stream.

Mobile Entrepreneur's Resonance Maps Resonance Map of Mobile Entrepreneur

Join us to explore Resonance Maps and the value of Twitter-type Resonance tools in mobile advertising and marketing models.


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  @ResonantView

2010 Predictions and Observations that will Resonate #IN 2011 @SpeedSynch

These 2010 Predictions and Observations that will Resonate #IN 2011 have been posted on @SpeedSynch or WordPress blogs. 


Nick @SpeedSynch

Spam, Social Media and the future of Search 

Search engines and the advertisers they serve have a big problem with Social Media; they can’t shape its content and appear to have innovated beyond spam and PR with the follower.


The future of internet marketing and search is the follower.


Social Media and the Follower


The follower is like a heat seeking missile that follows targeted people in social media–usually ‘influencers’ because social media bloggers, influential or not, have become immune to subtle efforts of advertisers to promote their products or generate content to attract people that like content generated by specific bloggers.


It seems that once a blogger is identified as being influential or a blog as a gathering space for bloggers of influence one or more followers are dispatched to blogs to offer content that interjects the stories important to their patrons, the advertisers.  This is natural and easy as blogs are content generation engines.


Avoid Social Graphs and Super Bloggers


In my experience the real value of the ‘super blogger’ is directly related to sending your content out and others re-sending or posting, just like a chain letter.

This is done with the hope of boosting search engine visibility–leads and sales are a bonus, but not the main objective.


It’s not a popular view, but I would think that if you had the time to find the most influential bloggers you would be at the back of a long line and when you get to the front of the line, you would be disappointed with the result.


However, if you must take this path, think about these questions;

  1. Do they reach your prospective customers or markets?
  2. Can or will they help you and at what cost, $ or time?
  3. What is the desired outcome from engaging the super bloggers?
  4. Can they understand your products or customers or markets?
  5. Will they just re-send your story or modify it for their own purpose?


Good luck with it and it’s always better to talk to someone you can serve with your content or product rather than an agent.


The Biggest Social Media Success Stories


Social Media is a hunk of software and software is created for two reasons; 

  • Compliance
  •  Speed up processes

Success of software tools depends on if it fits the need of the person typing and the person reading what that person typed so the ‘biggest’ stories will be about how many millions of people signed up to a website so they could do something faster (Twitter) or that the website they use is ‘trusted’ (LinkedIN) or just plain old fun but a privacy nightmare that sells as much information as dumb users will enter (Facebook).


Don’t Invest Time or Money in SEO


SEO is about giving Google money and there are other options, either way you need to do this; 

  • Understand keyword themes of the reasons your customers buy
  •  Analyze keywords used by your competitors

Options–Establish presence where Search Engine Spiders don’t matter–

  • Find blogs or social media sites favoured by your customers
  • Go to blogs that use competitor’s clients
  • Pay per click, no fuss, saves time.

Search has moved past 90% of SEO experts with Google’s purchase of Metaweb last month so all the time you spend figuring out how to do SEO will be much better spent with your family.


The Tweet below is an answer to a question rather than an observation or prediction.


Explain Social Media Authenticity in a Tweet “Any words used in similar spaces share meaning.”

Titles that Resonate #Top #2010 #Posterous #Blog Posts delivered #IN #TransMedia Format

Titles that Resonate #Top #2010 #TransMedia #Cross #Media Post #IN #SpeedSynch #Content #Stories is meant to attract the attention of ‘machines’ or search spiders first and eyeballs second.

This single Posterous blog post will be automatically ‘pushed’ to Twitter and WordPress sites and later picked up by LinkedIn.

Here we see that the message directs the media flow and is later directed by the media channels to different spaces and groups.

Top 2010 Posterous Blog Posts

#transmedia #speedsynch spaces for internet marketing advertising

SpeedSynch boosts #Transmedia spaces for Internet Marketing Advertisers

#transmedia is new to artists, though well known to storytellers and in this space we will explore the application of our SpeedSynch internet marketing software and internet marketing advertising and promotional techniques to support #transmedia from a commercial perspective…

New TransMedia Marketing Rules

Internet marketing has essentially changed very little since marketers discovered how to successfully use Yahoo 10 years ago which may seem shocking to the Google generation, but is an accurate description of current practices…

Resonance and Prediction Marketing Rules

Success, Risk and Resonance  

Success in business is most often confused with precision, formulas and plans though it appears that after you plan life, life just happens which may be the reason why the concept of risk reduction is important in the business world where a business may not survive if it goes in one direction while its customers go in another.  When this happens we say that the business value didn’t ‘resonate’ with the needs of their customers or simply the business was not successful in serving their market…


Content Resonance Rules #IN Legal E-Discovery 2.0

The legal profession is wrestling with data and information overload to meet legal E-Discovery obligations and client expectations and may be able to benefit from significant advances provided by Social Media platforms and Content Resonance… 


SEO value decline and privacy toxicity highlights opportunities #IN Mobile Internet Marketing

The apparent decline in the perception of value and privacy toxicity of SEO may be very good for Mobile phone makers and internet marketers as the mobile phone has become the Social Media and internet website interface of choice by billions of people globally…


The content is this blog post also resonates and also influences the people that read it across the different media channels which it travels.



Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch

How to survive the Death of SEO.

After SEO’s terminal coma in 2009 we carefully watched how marketers, advertisers and corporations coped with their loss.

Some moved to Social Media Optimization or Social Content Optimization while others moved towards ‘community’ management which is interesting as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn maimed independent communities before we started our SEO death watch.

New Community Rules

Community spaces have always been one of the best marketing investments any company could make by creating a space for people to share experiences, content, expertise and stories.  Done well the community spaces were like a very cool house party where the host would decorate and offer the best drinks and finger foods to set the mood and the party goers would create the buzz.  A great host couldn’t lose and at the next party there would be more people than space.

Some  companies, like envious hosts, tried to copy successful communities but missed the ‘intangible’ values needed to make a party or a community successful–freedom and inspiration.  Community by design rarely succeeds for one simple reason, it is meant to benefit the host rather than the attendee.

Communities are after all software applications and the ability to motivate people to create content by typing, editing and tagging is a difficult task.  Design and venture capital is critcal but luck may be more important.

Did the SEO Eco-System Kill the Party?

The old SEO ‘eco-system’ included advertising agencies, SEO services consultants and various other brokers that re-intermediated internet transactions and profited handsomely from their ability to stand between buyers and sellers.  Watching them adjust to the rise of ‘Social Media’ may help us determine how to align our products to people with content in this brave new world where people flit between Social Media software applications according to their own needs without heeding marketing messages or advertisers, old media or new.

Risk and Corporate Executives

Risk is a big problem for corporations who plan their work and work their plan and up until recently the ‘myth’ was that Social Media was a risk and mis-understood by corporate executives though in early 2009 marketing and advertising budgets were moving to Social Media faster than Amazon could acquire web sites to protect their sales volumes and SEO assets.–How Low can SEO Go? is Amazon’s latest acquisition, is it a sign of the times?  It is interesting to note that diapers appear to be sold on rather than the diaper manufacturers and re-intermediation is profitable despite the internet myth to the contrary.

Community by Design

If you believe that corporate communities can compete with Twitter or Facebook or perhaps ‘shape’ how Social Media audiences see their value have a look at this;

We look forward to seeing if community by design will fare better than SEO though our experience is that it is difficult to influence the value communities place on content.  This challenge is very clearly illustrated by watching how people change the words they use to describe questions or find answers while using search engines. 

Even if your company built a ‘perfect’ website that described a perfect product the search engines would probably no longer rank your site highly on their SERP or search engine results pages after 90 days because the words used in search engines would no longer correspond to the content on your web site.  SEO or search engine optimization and the mechanics of determining which sites rank highly would take over and drop the ranking of your site, if it ranked highly at all.

Resonance is Temporary

Twitter’s Resonance model is a bright light in the blight of internet spam and communities over-run by packs of network marketers re-selling Amazon product because it is resistant to spam and depends on trust even if temporary communities are created by followers or ‘likes’.  The key element to resonance is its temporary nature and that a follower or like today is closely linked to a Tweet or content.  The same people won’t have the same influence if the content changes tomorrow which means spam doesn’t stick.

Temporary communities mean that community by design doesn’t pay which is difficult for corporations and marketers alike but apparently good for community members as evidenced by Twitter’s meteoric global rise on the back of mobile phone technology.

Mobile Phones and Communities

Mobile phones present an interesting opportunity and threat to Social Media platforms and marketers alike as users won’t stand for hundreds of SEO results so we expect SEO to decrease in value as more people chose mobile phones as their interent and Social Media interface of choice.  Communities may also be smaller by necessity as it is difficult to view large amounts of content and follow many people on a mobile interface.

Communities and Innovation

Crowd sourcing and X-prizes have been a boon to marketers and have leveraged the global reach of the internet to create huge values for corporate sponsors and stimulated future investments in the hundreds of millions of dollars by comporations like GE, CISCO, Nokia and others. 

Community spaces created for innovation have been successful though they have not been communities by design.

Future Community Innovation

We are currently exploring the intersection of Resonance, Innovation and Communities and welcome inquiries from innovators who wish to explore the space.


Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch

Resonance and Prediction Marketing Rules

Success, Risk and Resonance

Success in business is most often confused with precision, formulas and plans though it appears that after you plan life, life just happens which may be the reason why the concept of risk reduction is important in the business world where a business may not survive if it goes in one direction while its customers go in another.  When this happens we say that the business value didn’t ‘resonate’ with the needs of their customers or simply the business was not successful in serving their market.

Branding and advertising helps increase the resonance of our content and products with customers and reduce the business exposure to market risk.  Business executives are also focused on finding ways to ‘predict’ the future to help them focus on opportunities and direct resources in search of profit.

Resonance Rules Prediction Marketing

Internet marketing changed very little since marketers discovered how to successfully market on the internet, first with Yahoo about 10 years ago and afterwards with Google ads and Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

New Media and TransMedia

The intersection of Old Media and Web2.0 has created a New Media, that’s for sure, but what else is happening?  One growing and effective use of Web 2.0 is the delivery of content or stories via TransMedia which provides the ability to engage people by taking story content and delivering it in different places, spaces and times appears to be a faster, simpler and more flexible future for creative marketers and their customers who want to break out of the crowd. 

TransMedia delivers an engaging story and Resonance is about understanding the relationships that create market value.

None other than Sylvester Stallone shows TransMedia types what to do as he subtly elbows out Leonardo DiCaprio and Angela Jolie out of the way by driving his move Expendables to a summer debut past Inception and Salt.

The SpeedSynch Resonance Map below shows how we mapped the content Resonance created by Sylvester Stallone.

0. Blackberry Twitter app shows Stallone top of Twitter trends worldwide 2010.07.24

1. Check Google volume on Twitter

2. Went to Twitter to find one of the buzz wave tweets — looks like Brazilians tweeting millions

3. Go to Movie site to see when Slyvester Stallone movie is being released — August

4. Find Stallone Expendables movie press releases

5. Use SpeedSynch to create Keyword Theme relationship maps for SEO competitive analysis

6. Review SpeedSynch SEO competitive analysis maps and SpeedSynch keyword theme weights

7. Deep dive with premium SpeedSynch features to show detailed SEO competitive analysis

8. Compare DiCaprio’s INCEPTION with Stallone’s EXPENDABLES keyword themes. 


Resonance Marketing Rules 

In watching Stallone go to work on his competitors in a TransMedia format where the marketing story is spread across multiple media channels globally it is easy to miss the real value behind the success—customer resonance.  People who go to movies, just like any potential customer have an affinity for a brand and a product, and Stallone’s marketing push with Twitter focused attention to Expendables and away from Inception.

Resonance, Marketing and Product Sales

Applying Resonance Marketing to product sales requires work but is a simple process.

  •  Craft marketing stories to appeal to multiple customer perspectives or Persona behaviours in multiple languages, cultures and markets.
  • Focus on relationships between People, Process (work) and Content.
  • Facilitate and accelerate learning to boost engagement and sales.

A Persona mask represents customer perspectives or behaviours and may be worn or removed as needed.  We build Persona masks by mapping Customer ‘Resonance’ by understanding their perspectives from the content they prefer, post or other information provided.

Persona masks illuminate stories, processes and probabilities so that we can serve the people behind the Persona masks regardless of the market segment to which they have been assigned.

Resonance maps help us predict future Persona behaviours for Prediction Marketing.

Products, Risk and Prediction

The art of prediction, highly valued by marketers, accountants and bookmakers starts by understanding what has happened in the past in order to determine what may happen again in the future.

Typically researchers start with past behaviours and adjust for anticipated changes in the future and create an estimate or guess of what might happen.  This is a story whether it is based on a ‘feeling’ or supported by hundreds of spreadsheets as what happens tomorrow is best seen a few days afterwards. 

Obvious risks of what may happen in the future are arbitraged as close to zero by using different techniques such as buying insurance or using a portfolio investment approach.

Prediction, Product Sales and Profit

We have employed behavioural models to remove risk from the business of product innovation, manufacturing and sales.  Our models are based on mapping customer behaviours and employ the concept of Resonance by assessing the content important to people in deciding upon, buying and learning how to extract value from what they buy.

We create our customer models with Resonance maps we call Persona Masks.

A Persona mask is ‘crafted’ by associating stories and numbers common to the different customer perspectives to infer their future behaviours.  Since we can never know exactly how behaviours will occur in the future we use Scenarios to determine a range of behaviours and get a sense of the potential range of  customer behaviours that may occur in the future.

If this seems a little strange consider the profession of Finance and why accountants forecast.  A financial forecast directs business activity and sets measures of success though stories are behind all those numbers carefully constructed by accountants in plans of one, two or more years.  Accountants convert stories to numbers and place them in a structure called a chart of accounts and then manipulate numbers in a way that separates them from the stories that were at their core.  Indeed accountants ‘map’ out the future of the business with numbers rather than stories.

Our practice is to blend stories, numbers, maps and storyboards to avoid the common trap that marketers and accounts fall into as they manipulate numbers and stories independently of each other.  This ‘split’ causes stories and numbers that started at the same place to get out of sync with each other.

Our Resonance maps align Products to Customers by employing content.

Stories and numbers continue to be aligned to Personae or the business gets out of harmony with customers and suppliers.  The lack of harmony is a dis-ease which results in something ‘breaking’.

ROI Re-Capture is another benefit of using Resonance to understand which stories or content is useful for internal projects or external marketing campaigns.  No need to re-invent the wheel, just find the content according to what is needed for success.

More about the link between numbers and stories may be found at or


Nick @SpeedSynch

3 Ways to Profit from Twitter Resonance Earlybird Offers

Here are 3 ways to profit from Twitter Resonance and Earlybird Offers.

  • Competitive Analysis — understand how competitors change their market offers relative to your current market offers.
  • Customer Resonance — examine Earlybird Offers to determine which customer behaviours or ‘Resonance‘ is targeted.
  • Capacity Analysis — explore the impact of Earlybird Offers on the capacity analysis or your ability to deliver similar offers.

Profit and Resonance

The concept of resonance is simple, people and products ‘vibrate’ according to how their value, needs and how they define answers and problems.  In order to increase sales and profits marketers must ensure that products may be found and that customers understand their value.  The closer the resonance match between products and customers the higher the sales and profits.

Resonance and Competitive Analysis

Viewing Earlybird Offers on Twitter is a fast, simple and effective way to understand in realtime any new or changing offers delivered by competitors and provides a quick way to help adjust your product offers as needed.

Competitive Analysis and Customer Resonance 

Competitor offers are only important if they affect your customers and if their offers don’t ‘resonate’ with your customers then they are effectively harmless.  Our clients benefit from Resonance Maps created by our SpeedSynch Internet marketing software which helps them align their product values to the values needed by their customers.

Customer Resonance and Capacity Analysis

Large North America mobile (wireless) services providers have a problem as their infrastructure takes a long time to plan, provision and recover investments needed to support constantly changing customer and market demands.  We are working with the infrastructure models of wireless providers to align their new product offers to the delployment schdules of the expensive infrastructure they require for their business–cell towers, backup equipment, server farms for operations and content stores, billing application ehancements, etc…

Understanding changes in customer behaviours or Customer Resonance helps us go back into the wireless customer demand models and adapt them according to trending behaviours and take the adjust models back out to the market to incent or dis-incent behaviours.  This helps our wireless clients ‘tune’ changing customer demand to their longer term asset acquisitions and project deployments.  Ignoring changes in Customer Resonance may cause new infrastructure to become obsolete before it is delivered.

Capacity analysis helps wireless services providers tune their assets and adjust purchases or deployments in a coordinated fashion with their market planning and advertising spend.  It is easier when everyone knows which way to row the boat and when.

Contact us to see how SpeedSynch Resonance Maps can help you with your customers or align your infrastructure projects.


Nick Trendov @speedsynch

WordPress Joins the Content Creation Wars

WordPress Joins the Content Creation Wars

Apart from acting as a virtual gathering space Social Media software platforms quickly learned that their communities want to create content, and the faster the better.

I built this blog post with the WordPress ‘QuickPress’ user interface and have looked at others including Posterous and Livejournal though WordPress is the most comfortable so far I have just downloaded Typo3 and will look at it over the next week or two.

The Content Arms Race
My sense is that all of the Social Media software sites provide the content creation tools in an attempt to keep their ‘community’ close and members are critical to the valuation of software platforms and ultimately critical to the exit strategy of the founders and venture capitalists who fund them.

The connection between content creation software, a content arms race, a good ‘valuation’ and selling for maximum profit is astraight line and clear as a bell.

Why do you Blog?
With all of the content creation systems out there and not enough time in the day a simple question surfaces quickly, why do Social Media software users blog?  This question has many answers that include convenience, attention, entertainment, though the biggest reason may be that since early 2009 or late 2008 over half of searches started in Social Media software platforms.

Blogs, Backlinks and Search Engine Rank
Almost everyone covets a top rank on a Google or BING or Yahoo search engine results page or SERP as #1 means profit.  People look there and depend on the information there to make a buying decision and typically jump from top ranked links to a purchase transaction.  If they buy something after visiting your top ranked site you earn a commission, Amazon (or other resellers) earn a commission and the manufacturer earns less as they pay the commissions.

Backlinks are a form of voting where you benefit from the content of internet users who then mention and link to your site.  Backlinks may be created by posting good quality content to blogs with links to your site and you may see contrived posts that are note humanly readable with links.

Google “SpeedSynch” and you will see what looks like sites with a photography conversation that seem to reference all types of variations of “speedsynch” or “speed synch” or “speedsync”.  While the blog posts appear to use industry specific jargon, let me assure you that no one would ever string a sentence together in that fasshion. 

Indeed you may have found a site that looks for search traffic and is created with the sole objective of standing in between a search engine and the traffic generating site,

Now unless you blog then the ‘photographer’ sites rise to the top of Google and they get the ‘searchers’ looking for  While this would have made a huge difference five years ago, over the past three years it means much less and since last year it means not much at all.

Most of the traffic to comes from Social Media sites and searches related to focus on specific comments, SEO Reports, answers on how SpeedSynch internet marketing software creates semantic resonance maps, the same resonance championed by Twitter, or how SpeedSynch internet marketing techniques may be applied to competitive analysis or to deliver fast learning to self-directed adult learners.

The ‘photography’ blogs the posts include links which battle for the #1 spot when anyone searches for ‘speedsynch’.  Try searching on any brand that pops into your mind and find out who stands between you and the brand that you wish to find.

Faster Content Creation Means Higher Rank
The correlation between rank, content and links is pretty straight forward and generally known.
Creating new content faster appears to be necessary in order to rank higher to get more profit or attention.

Can Google Save SEO?
The process of ‘improving’ page rank is called search engine optimization and consultants will show you how to rank higher or will do the work for you.  The work, because of the nature of search engines, involved content backlinks and directly or indirectly depends on content creation.

The relationship between searchers and content used to be simple, both were performed in the Google software interface or search engine box.  Social Media has since enticed over half of searchers to start in their platforms and so Google’s ‘search share’ may be less than 35% given the numbers and other search competitors.  Indeed this trend may have been the driver for Microsoft’s significant Facebook investment a few years ago–the writing was on the wall, SEO was going down.

Google has fought back to protect the concept of SEO by innovating and corporations like Amazon also stand to lose large if SEO deteriorates as ‘affiliate marketing’ represents a large portion of their revenues.  The more SEO ‘crews’ that stand between you and brand owners the more transactions go to Amazon or similar re-sellers.  If manufacturers could estabilish a direct relationship then their profits and possibly your cost would go down too.

On the innovation side, Google may actually speed up the decline of SEO with Android.  After all how many links on a page will searchers view?  Likewise the Google ‘Instant’ feature appears to ‘guide’ searchers past the ‘links’ that might have distracted them right to the big brands.  All the work of the SEO ‘crews’ may have been spoiled.  Semantic SEO or semantic algorithms introduced and soon to be augmented by Googles’ purchase of Metaweb will take searchers away from viewing pages even faster.

Twitter is the fourth horseman of SEO’s apocolypse as Twitter doesn’t even rely on conventional backlinks.  Twitter is the future of marketing from our perspective and accelerates SEO’s decline further.

Search, Profit and Time
SEO appears to be failing Google just as Social Media is rising in popularity and this is because of the huge amound to content that millions of people can generate.

But do people have time to fight content wars?

Yes and no.  Posterous and WordPress’ QuickPress, where this post is being created, helps people quickly generate and distribute content–more bad news for Google as if I was the corporate advertiser with the big budget I would ask hard questions about why I shouldn’t just create my own content in the spaces where people gather.  Why do I need a broker when Social Media is where the action is?

WordPress has ramped up their content creation capabilities as it rushes to its exit strategy, just like all of the other Social Media platforms.

Now lets see what Google does next.


How Google Instant Shapes Your Brand

Google’s Instant looks like a simple change to help users though you should be aware of how it moulds your brand visibility and the how it nudges searchers during their search interactions. 

What is Google Instant?

Google Instant offers ‘suggestions’ as searchers type words into the Google search box and though this approach is not new Google has contrived a new way to offer search word suggestions that can shape your brand message by offering searchers keywords as they type.  If you are a brand owner this  problematic and the keywords suggested are ones that you didn’t purchase or negatively impact your brand and potentially determine whether searchers even find your brand.  We have tested a number of cases and found the simple story that includes Nescafe, Starbucks, Amazon and Google’s Instant to illustrate the peril of Google Instant to your brand value and the structrual flaw with SEO–you let Google shape your brand, and it may not be to your benefit.

On the plus side it ‘saves time’ for searchers as now they don’t have to read the search engine results pages or SERP to find what they seek.  For brand owners however it may appear that Google’s Instant is another way to extract advertising revenues as the ‘big brands’ magically appear even if their products are new or not well known. 

Bad new for SEO however as the concept of page ranking disappears as brand owners will now focus on ranking with instant suggestions rather than on a page.  While there is no public ‘rate card’ yet but bloggers out there see this opportunity and if Google doesn’t do it then another search engine will or better still a Social Media site! 

Google Instant Shapes Brand Visibility

Imagine if you had a very valuable consumer products brand, let’s say coffee and one of your most profitable and well respected products is instant coffee.  Now imagine waking up one morning and receiving a call from your marketing manager saying that your site traffic was down, your internet marketing responses just tanked and your SEO reports and internet marketing software appear to show that Google Instant may be the problem!   Could this happen to you? 

How Googles Instant Trumps Instant Coffee

Google Instant is new, a couple of days old when this blog post was written so not many of the billions of internet users have heard of it and fewer understand its implications, but one thing appears clear, Google Instant trumps Nescafe Instant Coffee in a search–imagine that!

Note is the suggestions offered as I type ‘instant’ into the search box and how it differs from a typical search process where you see a search engine results page or SERP after you type ‘instant’ and submit the word to Google. 

Resonance maps by counter Google Instant Brand Shaping

Google Instant Trumps Brand Visibility and Messaging.

 This is what a ‘regular’ search looks like and the visibility of Nescafe is ok.  Amazon ranks higher as their business model is really SEO not books as most people think and affiliate marketers contribute a huge chunk of Amazon revenues by standing between Nescafe and their customers. 

You may re-consider both SEO and Google Instant after seeing them both up close and this is way since early 2009 over half of searches begine in Social Media sites and why IBM is nudging their channel partners into the Social Media spaces–profit. 

SpeedSynch determines Resonance to counter Google Instant

Google Instant Trumps Brand Visibility and Messaging

Resonance is the core of Twitter’s advertising model and avoids the dark side of SEO, spam and making people believe that they should surrender their brands to SEO and those that shape it.We can help you with SEO too if that’s what you need, call us to learn more about the rising impact of Social Media on internet marketing and how Resonance as a better, cooler, faster and more effective alternative to Google Instant and the erroding value of SEO.


Nick @speedsynch

Google Desperate to Rescue SEO?

Is ‘Instant’ aka Twitter Killing SEO and Can Google Rescue it?

Google’s Matt Cutts felt compelled to Tweet the following —

“Everyone asking if Instant will kill SEO? Watch this video: … Hear me praise SEO and why it will persist.”

Well this looks like a little contrived after all how reliable would the information be from person at Google how is responsible for controlling spam tout why SEO will live. 

 ‘Google’ any brand you know to see if they are even close to Google’s #1 rank.  Is the brand #1 or near the top or on the first page?

Do you pay for SEO when free content posted far and wide across the internet is a more reliable way to take to you #1 on Google?  Wouldn’t most people consdier the duplication of content that lifts these sites above legitimate manufacturers spam?

If this is true then it seems to me that profits related to SEO are closely linked to behaviour that most reasonable people might consider to be ‘spam’ or at the least resembling ‘spam’ or ‘spam-like’

How odd–the anti-spam guy may be promoting an advertising business model that seems to reward ‘spam-like’ behaviour.

What is your view on this subject?


Nick @resonantview @speedsynch


“Google” (include quotes)  “Any words used in similar spaces share meaning.” and “Twitter Resonance SpeedSynch” to see where SEO may be going–Resonance or Instant Marketing and Semantic SEO Reports based on Keyword themes based on meaning not words.

Social Media Resonance Rules CRM

Social Media is a realtime indicator of your customers’ top of mind and you don’t have to call them or setup surveys but just look at what they post or where they go. While this is not foolproof it is pretty good. 

The link above shows SpeedSynch website and Twitter Resonance maps of ATUM the SaaS supplier of LuxorCRM and this is the LuxorCRM SpeedSynch Resonance map 

Note that the Atum site ‘resonates’ a little differently than their Twitter feed which is hyper-focused to what they were promoting at the time. 

A simple way to look at this is that Twitter shows a short term focus, Social Media blogs show a mid-term focus and the corporate sites show a longer term focus. CRM must keep all three perspectives in front of the sales people so you don’t miss out. 

Oh, I almost forgot that it saves the sales people a lot of stress and keeps management up to date without much effort too. 

You can see more Resonance maps created with our SpeedSynch internet marketing software @ResonantView. We use them for competitive intelligence and SEO reports. 

Hope this helps provide a perspective of the value of Twitter and Social Media in general to CRM.  
