Naming is the New Branding

Social Media software platforms like WordPress, LinkedIn, Facebook and other provide a space for ordinary people to create their own content and compete with marketers and advertisers who are served by search engine corporations.  Today if you post enough blog content you can influence which links are presented to searchers by search engines.

Quantity Trumps Quality

Content quantity now rules quality and the value created by advertisers is temporary as it may be disrupted at any time by Social Media bloggers who create a ‘stronger path’ to links unreleated to the products or their brand owners regardless of how much money they spent to create those relationships.  If the idea that quantity of advertising or promotion trumps quality leaves a bad taste in your mouth then consider the poor advertising agencies who in the past four or five years have been swamped by Public Relations firms or advertisers that shout the same message many times–not exactly a quality focus though some ads are good.

Advertising and promotion on the internet is no longer even remotely additive which implies that the revenue and advertising models that up to late 2008 favoured search engine optimization or SEO have eroded quickly and there are opportunities in finding their replacements.

Go with Strength

If since late 2008 or early 2009 over half of all internet searches started in Social Media platforms and posting enough blog content will impact positively on your search engine results ranking or negatively impact your competitors then why do corporations still believe in the concept of search engine optimization?  May advertisers will go with strength and re-focus marketing investments to divert advertising programs and events from a SEO orientation to focus squarely on Social Media.


May marketers intuitively undersand the rise of social media though they continue to stick with applying the concept of branding to a platform that naturally embraces NAMING.  What is naming?

We view naming as something beyond the selection of a name as different people may apply more than one name to the same thing as they view it from at least two different perspectives.  HOT to one person is POPULAR to another and SICK to someone else–note that here SICK may actually mean someone is ILL or mean that something is emphatically GREAT in regional slang.

Names Rule and Trump Brands in Social Media Internet Marketing

You too can understand which names are important in your communities and to your customers by looking at their stories and how their stories RESONATE to attract people to content which in turn directs them to products or provides answers to questions important to searchers or customers.

Identify Names and Searcher Perspectives

Our objective is simple when using names–we idenfity which names and their associated story perspectives which make them valuable to people.  Here are the simple and proven steps that we use:

  1. Look for names or stories in content important to customers, ideally names that reflect current needs or objectives
  2. Analyze our products and brand to determine the ‘names’ or keyword themes that correspond to step 1 above
  3. Tune our content and Social Media or SEO or Media advertising to link important customer names to our products

Content and Customer Resonance

It is imporatant to note that content in Twitter, Social Media blogs and corporate web sites all change or resonante differently and when looking at the competitive analysis exemplar below we may direct some customers to Twitter, others to our Social Media blogs and others to our corporate site.  The determination of where we direct our customers depends on there interaction preferences and the closeness of NAMES in the three locations so that we align closely and carefully to customer names used.

Let’s start by understanding how our content resonates.  We determine how ‘people’ resonate with the same approach by looking at the content they post and the names they use to describe their questions or problems and answers or solutions they seek.

Social Media and Competitive Analysis  

Social media sites by their nature must change quickly to accomodate and serve their customers.  Web sites on the other had change very slowly in comparison.  They are tightly controlled effective, efficient and usually have a higher quality standard than social media sites, which is why since early 2009 content creation, searches and business models have moved towards social media.

Competitive Analysis and Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is not possible without competitive analysis as customers have too many options available.  They find content virtually anywhere and can buy from just as many suppliers.  Indeed if you Google any product or service the manufacturer or licensed reseller is often not on the first SERP or search engine results page.

Competitive analysis is the art of finding where you are compared to your competitors on Google and measuring the distance of your story from your current or future customers on LinkedIN, Twitter or WordPress.  SpeedSynch Semantic SEO report maps like the one below lets you easily compare the semantic signature of products, content and customers to determine if your story is close to your customer needs and when the distance changes.

SpeedSynch Twitter Feed Signals New Product Focus

* Double click on map and click again or use the zoom feature on your browser to view the two Resonance maps below…

Resonance map of’s Twitter Stream

Note different themes on the Twitter feed of and the Resonance map of below. Semantic SEO report map by SpeedSynch internet marketing software for semantic backlink and link quality to boost SERP rank Resonance Map

We clearly see the SpeedSynch Twitter shift by looking at the semantic differences  to the web site Resonance map above.  

Names Rule and Trump Brands in Social Media Internet Marketing

While this may seem like a controversial statement, in my experience names rule and trump brands in Social Media internet marketing and the sooner you assess if this is true for your company or brand the bigger advantage you will have to create new and unique value for your customers.


Nick Trendov @resonantview

Auto Post vs By Hand for SEO

Do you get better SEO ranking and customer awareness when you distribute content across social media sites by hand versus an automatic tool?

Is this different than email spam?

If you can automatically generate and content to complements people or blog perspective where you will post then it is not spam.

If you post virtually the same content in response to different people or blog perspectives then many might considere it spam.

‘By hand’ infers personal touch and content perspectives aligned to the meaning of the person or blog where you intend to post.

Why not use an automated process that includes the judgement of a person who might also adjust each post ‘by hand’ if needed?

Use Twitter
Search to find where to post your content by following links in Tweets.  Twitter Rules SEO value.

Use SEO Reports
Use SEO Reports if possible to examine the ‘meaning’ of the content where you want to post.



Read the content and adjust your post to complement or support or provide another perspective to the content you have discovered via a Twitter search?

Twitter Rules SEO
Tweets provied multiple perspectives of the keywords in your content.
Find the Tweet that is closest to your content perspective and toadjust much less ‘by hand’ content which means you go faster. 


Here Twitter and SpeedSynch provide immediate perspectives and meaning that ‘cut and paste’ posting systmes lack.  Twitter and eyeballs would do the same with a little practice.

Google will penalize the client for which you are building them unless you adjust the posts, ‘by hand’ or not, they will probably be rejected or labelled spam and most probably be considered ‘similar’ by Google which means the backlinks that you are attempting to create will be worse than useless.

Good luck with it.


Use Twitter to Rank Higher

Twitter is more than a broadcast platform and we use Twitter to create a unique form of competitive analysis that guides how we create content for blogs, links and backlinks.  The SpeedSynch Twitter semantic map below keeps the content we build and post to Social Media sites synchronized with our internet marketing assets that include domain names, links, backlinks and blog content.

This is one internet marketing processes we drive with Twitter to boost our SERP or search engine result page rank:

  1. Create a blog post with a focused semantic signature of keywords important to
  2. Post a 140 character Tweet with a TinyURL of the semantically focused content
  3. Go to LinkedIN and share the Tweet on our home page and groups, if appropriate

We can quickly recombine blog content for, StumbleUpon or other Social Media sites and we always synchronize  product stories, customer needs and internet marketing assets to avoid wasting time and money or risk of alienating customers.


The semantic SpeedSynch Twitter feed map below helps us orient content and leverage our Internet Marketing assets.

* Click on the map twice or zoom with your browser to view a full size semantic map…

internet marketing software used to create Semantic SEO report maps

A Semantic SEO Report Map for the Twitter Feed

The Semantic signature above guides our content creation for Twitter and then we map the new content below:

Use twitter to Rank Higher with Search Engines

We Tweet focused content with an appropriate Semantic SEO signature that complements SpeedSynch Internet marketing assets to rank higher

SEO professionals will note that the semantic signature of the blog content is consistant and complementary to the semantic signature of the SpeedSynch Twitter feed above it.

Other examples of using Semantic SEO report maps to synchronize content are at


Nick Trendov

Twitter’s Competitive Analysis Edge and Facebook’s Advertising Failure

Twitter’s future appears bright indeed because of 140 character stories broadcast worldwide on mobile phones though in sharp contrast the future of Facebook is very uncertain.  Facebook appears to have a difficult time competing with it’s own community members in web advertising as it promotes a new business model in an attempt to stake a claim as an effective advertising platform.

Let’s start with Twitter’s amazing value and unique ability to align content to people and stories internationally across social media and web sites in multiple languages.  The immediacy of Twitter is insurmountable and highlighted in a short WordPress post that uncovers millions of Brazilian posts about Sylvester Stallone’s new move, Expendibles.

Stallone crushes Google ランボー押しつぶす Google Rambo esmaga Google Stunning example of SEO competitive analytics 1:38 PM Jul 25th via web

The huge wave of tweets in response to Stallone’s Expendibles is social media advertising on an unprecendented scale and creates significantly more value than the popular alternative of purchasing a few Google adwords or maybe all of Facebook’s current advertising.  The Brazilian tweets shouted loudly across the world and while here they seem ‘negative’ the publicity they generated helps Stallone fight to position Expendibles in a highly competitive market currently dominated by DiCaprio’s INCEPTION and Angela Jolie’s SALT.  No easy task though it seems that the tidal wave of Brazilian tweets predict a bright future.

Semantic SEO Predicts your Future

140 characters in your Twitter feeds can tell me what , when and maybe even why you or your company will do.   If this sounds unrealistic have a look at this is a Semantic SEO report of our Twitter feed which we use to deliver content to educate our current and future customers. 

Social Media and Competitive Analysis

Social media sites by their nature must change quickly to accomodate and serve their customers.  Web sites on the other had change very slowly in comparison.  They are tightly controlled effective, efficient and usually have a higher quality standard than social media sites, which is why since early 2009 content creation, searches and business models have moved towards social media.

Competitive Analysis and Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is not possible without competitive analysis as customers have too many options available.  They find content virtually anywhere and can buy from just as many suppliers.  Indeed if you Google any product or service the manufacturer or licensed reseller is often not on the first SERP or search engine results page.

Competitive analysis is the art of finding where you are compared to your competitors on Google and measuring the distance of your story from your current or future customers on LinkedIN, Twitter or WordPress.  SpeedSynch Semantic SEO report maps like the one below lets you easily compare the semantic signature of products, content and customers to determine if your story is close to your customer needs and when the distance changes.

SpeedSynch Twitter Feed Signals New Product Focus

* Double click on map and click again or use the zoom feature on your browser to view the two Semantic SEO reports maps below…

Semantic SEO report map of created by SpeedSynch internet marketing software to boost backlink and link quality for top SERP rank

Semantic SEO report map of Twitter Feed

Note different themes on the Twitter feed of and the Semantic SEO report map of below. Semantic SEO report map by SpeedSynch internet marketing software for semantic backlink and link quality to boost SERP rank Semantic SEO report Map

We clearly see the SpeedSynch Twitter shift by looking at the semantic differences  to the web site Semantic SEO report map above.

I must admit some of my partners were uncomfortable with me exposing our Semantic SEO report map and in defence I will say that there is one highly critical piece that is missing, our customer behaviour maps which clearly illustrate the changing needs of our customers though we describe how they are built on and I will blog about how it’s done very soon.

Now we move from the unique competitive analysis value created by Twitter to Facebook’s upcoming advertising failure.

Facebook and Advertising Failure

Facebook is about to follow in Google’s footsteps as it attempts to profit by implementing an advertising model which appears to focus on offering advertisers access to Facebook community members.

Unfortunately for Facebook their community members are also competitors as you clearly see below:

Facebook Scemantic SEO report map by Speedsynch internet marketing software for link and backlink quality to boost SEO rank

Apparently SEO Experts know how to outrank Facebook for Facebook Advertising Ads

Facebook may be in for a very big surprise as they start to compete with their own community members for advertising revenue.  Content is the key for advertising visibility, reach and relevence and Facebook community members have many years of experience in competing with Google.

Let’s see how Facebook does, though my feeling is that it will not be as good as they plan.


Nick Trendov

Will Semantic Search help Google battle Social Media?

Social Media vs Google, will Semantic Search help?

Semantic usually refers to the study of meaning and the Semantic Web is a term coined by W3 is meant to describe the tools and techniques needed to add meaning to the content on the internet rather than a thing.  This is an important distinction to keep in mind.

Semantic SEO

Semantic SEO is the natural progression of SEO or Search Engine Optimization and a shift to creating value from words to using concepts which is critical as there is so much content, text, images, audio and vido to sort through on the internet before your find what you need.

Google needs new mojo to fight off social media and with the Metaweb acquisition it looks like semantic search is Google’s choice.

Is Mathematics Enough?

The principle behind semantic search is brutally simple but very hard to execute mathematically, “different words used in similar situtations or contexts tend to have similar meaning”.

Where are Stories?

Searchers all start with unique perspectives at the start of a search and while they may end their search at the same place, they found their way according to their own reasons.  This simple truth cannot be reasoned out mathematically but can be inferred or determined by understanding the stories important to searchers during their search process.

Stories and Semantic Search

The purpose of semantic search is to provide searchers what they need fast and this is done by delivering the context that is important to them though currently LSI or latent semantic indexing is how it’s done.  Stories also have an important role to play the the link to stories is simple, when we look at numbers we think stories and when we listen to stories we measure with numbers.

Social Media and Search Don’t Mix

The social media sites are terrible at search, even if they use Google, for two reasons;

  • Too much content
  • Too many perspectives

Keywords, Search and Semantic Meaning

Where there are hundreds of thousands of social media platform users, or event millions, it is impossible to measure perspectives or value using conventional measures.  One blog post can be good, bad or ugly for thousands of people, at the same time.  The same blog post may switch from good to bad for the same person days, hours or even minutes after it was flagged as ‘LIKE’, which is a big problem for search which depends on mathematics and can’t deal with dynamically changing value very well, if at all.  Semantic search offers the promise of being able to measure the context of searchers which then allows the search engines to look for content with similar contextual meaning, good bad or ugly.  ‘LIKE’ doesn’t matter anymore and good riddance.

Mathematicians, Academics and Storytellers

Now we have a problem as we know that stories impact searcher context or perspective but how is it measured?  Currently the mathematicians who earn very good wages use mathematics related to the text or content on websites to determine semantic meaning.  Google has an advantage that it can also connect the dots from the beginning of a search to its conclusion.

Searcher Perspectives are the Secret

Searcher perspectives are difficult for Google and semantic mathematicians or academics to determine and this represents a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs.  We find user perspectives by letting searchers declare the stories important to them as they search.

The 3 step process is proven over seven years of application;

  1. Create semantic behaviour maps or Neuropersona Masks of searchers or customers
  2. Map content linked to products, web and social media sites
  3. Align semantic maps of searchers to product semantic maps for semantic SEO

We use the semantic maps for simple, practical and profitable work;

  • Blog with semantic signatures to attract the semantic signatures needed by search engines
  • Create semantic links and backlinks to boost link quality with semantic signatures
  • Offer searchers better quality results with semantically oriented wayfinding options

Join us here and at to find your own way to semantic profit.



Wired Exclusive, Google and Web Monitoring

Wired‘s recent exclusive article on new CIA investment in Web Monitoring and Google and while it is a short but interesting read. 


The military funded the internet and eventually the technology was releases to benefit citizens which lead me to speculate about how corporations would apply the web monitoring technology and ask whether the public sector may already be more advanced.

 Radian6, Social Radar and other commercial products are adequate for monitoring social media and perhaps the best are still to be found in the laboratories of entrepreneurs or plain hobbyists.  The old school competitive analysis vendors also have a stake in the internet monitoring game and the concept of mutually assured destruction where the fear of competition entices some CEO’s to buy internet monitoring software as an insurance policy.


Monitoring the internet is valuable if and when the analysis is act on and this in my experience is rare.  Look at your competitive analysis or monitoring software and do a simple calculation. 

Divide the number of words in the reports by the number of words in the database that the system stores.  Then multiply that number by the cost of buying the software, operating the processes that the software demands and the related infrastructure costs.

My guess is that your result is, more or less, $0 or probably close to the value delivered by the exercise, but there is hope!


Monitoring is good when there is a plan and the budget to move forward and get a job done and internet marketing is one very profitable opportunity that benefits from the right kind of web monitoring and here is how it might work.

  1. Monitor extensively to identify web content with ‘buzz’–like the Wired post above.
  2. Map keyword phrases in content to create a unique blog post–like this one.
  3. Create links and backlinks to web or social media sites–SpeedSynch blogs or on Twitter


The backlinks in this post were created by exploit the keyword phrases of the original Wired article as mapped by our SpeedSynch internet marketing software so as to show how Social Media blog posts have been able to overwhelm corporate search engine spiders and the visibility provides significant profit potential.  Here is the SpeedSynch keyword theme map…

Wired Exclusive on CIA Google and Future of Web Monitoring

Web Monitoring benefits Corporations more than Government


Adobe’s recent acquisition of DAY Software provides corporations the ability to enhance the miniscule amounts of corporate content on internet sites to counter social media blogs and backlinks that currently overwhelm corporate search engine spiders.


A couple of years ago search engines were starting to be influenced by vast amounts of user generated content and people building backlinks which motivate people to build more content faster when they realized that a few hundred posts could make you a star or a lot of money.  The Faceboook, Twitter and LinkedIN really took off.

Th Social Media sites now generate more content than can be understood by search engines and for those who are looking for the next tool in internet marketing, tightly integrated micro sites is a blogger innovation that you must learn about.

People influence search engines by using keyword themes in blogs and product content to shape blog posts to boost page rank, the quality of links and backlinks and connect multiple blog posts for search engine visibility.

Web monitoring is good when you have a plan and the ability to boost your visibility to search engines and survive and profit from the upcoming corporate content deluge as global content generation factories come on-line are very good reasons to monitor.


Nick Trendov

Blogger Beware the Copyright Troll


Threat Level shows an entrepreneurial lawyer buying copyrights and profiting by suing rights abusers, though I know that Social Media blogers and SEO professionals may not need to fear copyright trolls and can generate content that is better, faster and cooler.


In the old days, before search engines, content was king and abuses led to the creation of copyright laws.  Today the internet, social media and search engines have crowned a new king, context.


Google or BING any product name and you will see the Blog content links overwhelm search engine spiders and easily ranks above the miniscule content on corporate websites and the need to feed the blogs content constantly may be the motivation of the copyright troll though I believe it it a still born profession because of the ability to create context value quickly and effectively.

Look at the SpeedSynch keyword phrase map of the Wired article below:

SpeedSynch keyword phrase competitive analysis of the Wired Threat Level article

Keyword phrases and relationships of Wired's Threat Level article about a Copyright Troll in the USA

The keyword theme map above is a derivative of a derivative work that was only partially inspired by the Wired artilce.


In my analysis of Adobe’s acquisition of DAY software I look at how bloggers or rather the site owners that hold blogs can make considerable amounts of money.  Indeed some of the fastest and most innovative work on the internet is being done with micro sites that are ‘echo chambers’ that attract search engine spiders and the attention of the searchers that they serve.

Adobe’s acquisition of DAY creates a corporate content factory which can be sold to global business who lack the resources or creativity to compete with social media bloggers.  Another form of ‘mutually assured destruction’ with content rather than bombs.

So why the Copyright Troll?  We already know Social Media blogs overwhelm search engine spiders and thousands of entrepreneurs, a new intermediary class,  swiftly and deftly step between manufacturers of drills, hepa filters or other products and internet giants like Amazon, Ebay and Google.  They don’t need to rip off data and can easily offer context to create wayfinding value quickly and simply.


Bloggers,  SEO professionals and link builders will immediately see the contextual value of  the map created by SpeedSynch internet marketing software.  All they have to do now is to create 300 word unique blog posts and place them everywhere, just like the newspapers do but don’t need copyrights and are unencumbered by revenue sharing deals, and this is simple and legal.


Once other social media site visitors see the unique 300 page articles they blog about them and link to them.  On Twitter it is a re-Tweet and on LinkedIN it is a backlink in a ANSWER or group or share–the possibilities are endless.  In a micro sites or WordPress blogs the keywords in the SpeedSynch map above are used for pages categories, navigation button links and blog keyword tags.

All of this naturally attracts the attention of search engine spiders how follow all of the back links to the unique 300 page article and people that type those keywords into Google or BING find the article too, and very fast.

There is no need to fear the Copyright Troll, Social Media has already made him unneccessary as it is easier and more profitable to behave and exploit the business models that place too much value on search engines and copyright.



The SpeedSynch Map of SynchMedia Blogs proves people are better.

People Powered Blogs are Better than Paying Search Engines

The success of Twitter and Flickr has proven that people can blog and get their message across without paying search engines and this inspired us to build SpeedSynch.  After three years of trail and error we found that we could mine keyword themes in product, social media and web site content.  Then we discovered the obvious, search engines used keyword phrases — we call them themes — to sell their services.  If you bought the right keyword phrase you would profit highly.  Search engines also allowed ‘organic search’ which meant that you waited patiently until the search engine spiders indexed your blog or web content and then you had to find some way to stand out.  Eventually people got tired of waiting and hired a SEO or search engine opotimization expert and then things really got competitive when folks realized they could make huge profits by stepping between searchers and Google, Amazon and Ebay to sell directly to people looking for a product or service.

People Now Influence Search Engines

A couple of years ago search engines were starting to be influenced by vast amounts of user generated content and people building backlinks which motivate people to build more content faster when they realized that a few hundred posts could make you a star or a lot of money.  The Faceboook, Twitter and LinkedIN really took off.

Th Social Media sites now generate more content than can be understood by search engines and for those who are looking for the next tool in internet marketing, tightly integrated micro sites is a blogger innovation that you must learn about.

People influence search engines by using keyword themes in blogs and product content to shape blog posts to boost page rank, the quality of links and backlinks and connect multiple blog posts for search engine visibility.

SpeedSynch speeds up the process of finding the keyword phrases for you to use for your internet marketing and please note that the example below has a subtle twist in that I specifically selected a company with a similar brand name so our combined and re-combined content would influence search engines and the domain name beggars who use parts my speedsynch name to create content to boost their own search engine ranking.  Search engine ranking is very competitive sport.

  • 1. Check SpeedSynch on Google and found potential ‘brand’ partner — SynchMedia web site, blog and Twitter.
  • 2. Go to SynchMedia Twitter site
  • 3. Go to SynchMedia web and blog site
  • 4. Go to SynchMedia partner site Think Famous
  • 5. Use SpeedSynch to create keyword theme relationship maps
  • 6. Assess SynchMedia keyword relationship map
  • 7. Review SynchMedia keyword weights and partner influence
  • 8. Review SynchMedia maps of Twitter keyword hierarchy, relationships and weights
Keyword Theme Map of SynchMedia for blog rank, link and backlink quality--by SpeedSynch Internet Marketing Software

SynchMedia keyword theme maps -- website, Twitter by SpeedSynch for blog posts and backlink quality.

Questions about SpeedSynch maps and how keyword themes self-adjust to keyword phrases used by searchers or how keyword phrases impact SEO and search engines may be directed to;

Nick Trendov

Will TV and Radio Dominate Google?

Can TV and Radio dominate Google?

Look carefully at the links the search engines offer you while you search and you may see something unusual.  Many of the SERP or search engine result page links connect you to small entrepreneurs or large brokers that stand between you and manufacturers of the products or services you need.  These folks have invested in web pages and their content has been assessed and ranked highly, often in the top ten search results,  by search engine spiders.

Two Internet Marketing Myths

So now someone new stands between you and the provider of the product or service that you need.  Wasn’t the internet supposed to remove middlemen and save us time and money?  One myth down, one to go — the big one.

Google or rather the search engines are slowly beginning to lose their domination of commerce and influence over business just as business is desperately climbing aboard the fast moving bandwagon called social media.  If this seems silly consider that early in 2009 more people went to social media for trusted content than to corporate web sites.  Big business noticed the trend early in 2010 and corporate recruiters started desperately seeking social or digital media directors as search engines couldn’t easily penetrate the new social media islands.  Stock markets and investors value visibility and the search engines couldn’t guarantee it.

But is the shift to social media the beginning of the end of search engine dominance?

Yes, and it is only a question of time.  The shift to social media gives people the technology and unprecedented ability to create content faster than the search engine spiders can evaluate.  Even high powered computers and complex algorithms can’t help search engine spiders differentiate between valuable or useless content and this is painfully obvious by the importance given to a simple act of typing or blogging on web page ranking.  Blog links directly influence search engine results.

Blogs, Backlinks and Rank

Blogs are a significant force in helping people navigate the internet and their content is used by Google, Yahoo, BING or other search engine spiders to determine the affinity of website content to keyword phrases typed by searchers as they look for products, services or content.   *Note:  Micro web or blog sites show great potential to help searchers find what they need faster.

Search engines are taxi cabs of the internet and we pay them directly or indirectly to take us to our preferred destination.  Even taxi cabs need maps and keyword maps of web site content describe to searchers what they will find when they arrive at a web site.  The search engines work hard to discourage keyword mis-use and attempt to avoid sending people to web sites where the products, services or content  appear to be unrelated the keywords used to initate a search.  While this sounds simple, it is not an easy task. 

In a strange twist the social media trends that popularized blogging have allowed search engine designers to assume that searchers will blog about positive search experiences and link back from their blog post to the web site that satisifed their search objective.  Currently higher quantity and quality backlinks virtually guarantee higher SERP or search engine results page rank and profits. 

Top Two Ways to Dominate Google

In my observation search engines may be influenced and here are two ways I’ve noticed though there may be others;

Highly focused micro sites with inter-locked keyword themes can rank very highly on Google and are quickly built by understanding keyword themes created by analyzing products, web or social media sites and customer perspectives or behaviours.

The SpeedSynch map below was created by mapping internal backlinks and highlights keyword themes on the Viper Chill blog site.

The Blog, Rank and Dominate Google theme of this post was inspired by Viper Chill  map below where ‘rank’ is low on the theme list and link building, backlinks and quality back links are  all above. 

Why use Rank in our blog title?  SEO professionals create banklinks to improve their rank and while they might type ‘backlinks’  as part of a keyword phrase into a search engine, ranking highly is their objective.  This is some of the art in SEO and aligning products, content and user perspectives for internet marketing campaigns.

Blog, Rank and Dominate Google is made possible by mapping keyword themes to lift rank with backlinks and buzz oriented content

SpeedSynch Competitive SEO Analysis of keyword themes used for Blogs, Backlink building and buzz oriented content creation that ranks high in Google

Linking Internet Marketing to Radio, Television and Print

Internet marketers sometimes forget that radio, television and print can effectively support direct marketing, advertising and internet marketing and Keyword themes allow us to bridge physical and digital worlds simply, quickly and cost effectively. 

Unlike recent trends in the internet or social media most magazines, television shows and radio programs can’t afford to keyword stuff or repeat product associated words constantly.  Indeed keyword stuffing on the internet manages to hijack people to a page that doesn’t offer them what they want and it is very difficult for Google or other engines to stop or even discourage this behaviour.  Google’s CAFFEINE algorithm is one attempt and the smart SEO professionals are starting to build better content, the others more backlinks and now Google is pushing very hard for their partners to create more video and include video site maps. 

Google is looking to displace the television networks just as their content is starting to look good again.

The Next Media War:  Keywords, Radio and Audio

The search engines have won the battle of text but ‘old’ media networks have a good shot at winning the war over radio and audio because Google can’t re-record or add to a branded product.  While search engines can help you find almost anything by using text, they have a very hard time navigating audio which provides an opportunity to TV and radio producers.  Even if magically that problem was solved tomorrow, the ability to navigate audio content would not permit search engine users to modify TV shows like Iron Chef America or Holmes on Homes or create a commentaries that would air as an integral part of the original TVshow.  The new content creation available is severly limited by branding.

Keywords add value to Radio, TV and Video. 

We are currently working with video and audio files to map words and keyword themes just as we do with our SpeedSynch internet marketing software in the ‘Blog, Rank and Dominate Google’ map above.  By understanding where keyword themes are in a TV show, a video or radio show we can take you into a specific part of a two hour movie so you can see or hear what you need without wasting time just as the search engines do for text.

Opportunities or Opninions?

The decline of the search engines has already started though the interesting thing is that the media corporations don’t appear to notice the opportunities on the horizon.  Until then it is our observations that form our opinions in this blog post and we look forward to your feedback–opinions can be changed.  Opportunities are a little harder to find.

