Titles that Resonate #Top #2010 #Posterous #Blog Posts delivered #IN #TransMedia Format

Titles that Resonate #Top #2010 #TransMedia #Cross #Media Post #IN #SpeedSynch #Content #Stories is meant to attract the attention of ‘machines’ or search spiders first and eyeballs second.

This single Posterous blog post will be automatically ‘pushed’ to Twitter and WordPress sites and later picked up by LinkedIn.

Here we see that the message directs the media flow and is later directed by the media channels to different spaces and groups.

Top 2010 Posterous Blog Posts

#transmedia #speedsynch spaces for internet marketing advertising

SpeedSynch boosts #Transmedia spaces for Internet Marketing Advertisers

#transmedia is new to artists, though well known to storytellers and in this space we will explore the application of our SpeedSynch internet marketing software and internet marketing advertising and promotional techniques to support #transmedia from a commercial perspective…

New TransMedia Marketing Rules

Internet marketing has essentially changed very little since marketers discovered how to successfully use Yahoo 10 years ago which may seem shocking to the Google generation, but is an accurate description of current practices…

Resonance and Prediction Marketing Rules

Success, Risk and Resonance  

Success in business is most often confused with precision, formulas and plans though it appears that after you plan life, life just happens which may be the reason why the concept of risk reduction is important in the business world where a business may not survive if it goes in one direction while its customers go in another.  When this happens we say that the business value didn’t ‘resonate’ with the needs of their customers or simply the business was not successful in serving their market…


Content Resonance Rules #IN Legal E-Discovery 2.0

The legal profession is wrestling with data and information overload to meet legal E-Discovery obligations and client expectations and may be able to benefit from significant advances provided by Social Media platforms and Content Resonance… 


SEO value decline and privacy toxicity highlights opportunities #IN Mobile Internet Marketing

The apparent decline in the perception of value and privacy toxicity of SEO may be very good for Mobile phone makers and internet marketers as the mobile phone has become the Social Media and internet website interface of choice by billions of people globally…


The content is this blog post also resonates and also influences the people that read it across the different media channels which it travels.



Nick Trendov @SpeedSynch  nick@scenario2.com

IKEA Self-Assembly Ad Rules #IN Trans #Media Internet Advertising

A Brilliant IKEA ad that goes beyond its internet marketing or adverting value as it gently startles the reader to re-live the experience.

This interactive banner ad offers us a simple blueprint for great TransMedia or Cross Media campaigns where future customers are offered guidance to assemble unique story elements found in different places or spaces according to their CURRENT needs rather than values targeted by marketers and advertisers.

X-Media campaigns have great promise at a time where the value of SEO is rapidly declining and search is being displaced by Social Media for finding or refining questions or answers.

Self-assembly of stories is the core value we offer to our clients and we use our SpeedSynch Resonance Maps to help customers align their current or future needs to the content, products or processes. 

We welcome you to join us and explore this with us.

Nick @SpeedSynch

3 Ways to Profit from Twitter Resonance Earlybird Offers

Here are 3 ways to profit from Twitter Resonance and Earlybird Offers.

  • Competitive Analysis — understand how competitors change their market offers relative to your current market offers.
  • Customer Resonance — examine Earlybird Offers to determine which customer behaviours or ‘Resonance‘ is targeted.
  • Capacity Analysis — explore the impact of Earlybird Offers on the capacity analysis or your ability to deliver similar offers.

Profit and Resonance

The concept of resonance is simple, people and products ‘vibrate’ according to how their value, needs and how they define answers and problems.  In order to increase sales and profits marketers must ensure that products may be found and that customers understand their value.  The closer the resonance match between products and customers the higher the sales and profits.

Resonance and Competitive Analysis

Viewing Earlybird Offers on Twitter is a fast, simple and effective way to understand in realtime any new or changing offers delivered by competitors and provides a quick way to help adjust your product offers as needed.

Competitive Analysis and Customer Resonance 

Competitor offers are only important if they affect your customers and if their offers don’t ‘resonate’ with your customers then they are effectively harmless.  Our clients benefit from Resonance Maps created by our SpeedSynch Internet marketing software which helps them align their product values to the values needed by their customers.

Customer Resonance and Capacity Analysis

Large North America mobile (wireless) services providers have a problem as their infrastructure takes a long time to plan, provision and recover investments needed to support constantly changing customer and market demands.  We are working with the infrastructure models of wireless providers to align their new product offers to the delployment schdules of the expensive infrastructure they require for their business–cell towers, backup equipment, server farms for operations and content stores, billing application ehancements, etc…

Understanding changes in customer behaviours or Customer Resonance helps us go back into the wireless customer demand models and adapt them according to trending behaviours and take the adjust models back out to the market to incent or dis-incent behaviours.  This helps our wireless clients ‘tune’ changing customer demand to their longer term asset acquisitions and project deployments.  Ignoring changes in Customer Resonance may cause new infrastructure to become obsolete before it is delivered.

Capacity analysis helps wireless services providers tune their assets and adjust purchases or deployments in a coordinated fashion with their market planning and advertising spend.  It is easier when everyone knows which way to row the boat and when.

Contact us to see how SpeedSynch Resonance Maps can help you with your customers or align your infrastructure projects.


Nick Trendov www.speedsynch.com @speedsynch

Your Success Depends on Your Customers Learning Faster

When there is chaos in alsmost any social or commercial situation it is the fast learners that succeed, those who can quickly assess the current state of affairs and determine where to focus their resources, skills, time and attention.  It is no secret that your success depends on your customers learning faster and if they succeed by learning faster, then you will succeed too.

Change, New Products, Mergers and Acquistions

Whenever there is market change or chaos it is important to understand that customers will demand new value from products that they consume and the producers or re-sellers that provide them.  This is natural and in order to accomodate the needs of your customers you will have to tune existing product or deliver new products or buy a company or merge with another company.

Any or all of these processes demand high levels of learning for success.

An idea requires that its creator learn and in order for an idea to be assessed and manifested in a commercial form more people must learn about it and how to blend it into their existing processes, structures and relationships.  Indeed the process of manifesting and idea into a product and taking it to product requires more time at learning than manufacturing. 

The process of marketing and sales is actually the trasmission of learning from seller to buyer.

How we learned to Learn Fast

We learned about learning over seven years from self-directed adult learners who, in our experience, align objectives to content, tools and measures to learn quickly and effectively. We then we combined our learnings with commercial internet marketing software and techniques normally used to align customers, products and content.  

The SpeedSynch fast learning methodology that resulted from our work with self-directed adult learners focuses on aligning people, content, tools and technology when and as needed to facilitate learning.  

Alignment is the core value delivered by SpeedSynch software and techniques though the approach is unique to traditional academic learning methods as we avoid traditional command and control perspectives in order to facilitate self-directed learning.

 This is what we do. 

SpeedSynch Fast Learning

Since 2003 SpeedSynch’s fast learning classes have been delivered and refined into a proven process that consistently delivers high value learner results by explicitly using facilitators to broker expertise in learner groups.

It is our practice to encourage learners to learn our fast learning process to acquire new skills quickly and then deliver the same skills to other learners and three factors are at the core of the SpeedSynch fast learning methodology;


SpeedSynch fast learning consistently delivers excellent results as facilitators broker expertise and content within groups to achieve desired outcomes while group members simultaneously learn and work.


Neuropersona tools help learners view content, tools and measures from multiple learner perspectives to accelerate learning. Neuropersona perspectives employ semantic concepts combined with analytical perspectives that combine numbers and stories.


SpeedSynch internet marketing techniques employ fractal perspectives to increase the value of corporate performance analysis, business and competitive intelligence, product and business model innovation and scenario analysis to mitigate risk mitigation and broker value.  The unique element of SpeedSynch fast learning is the internet marketing software and internet marketing techniques used to align learners, content and tools to speed up learning according to their objectives and measures.

SpeedSynch Fast Learning is Proven

SpeedSynch delivers accelerated learning value by employing the principles of Andragogy formulated by adult learning pioneer Malcolm Knowles, who emphasized the self-directed focus and the tendency of adult learners to take responsibility for individual or group decisions.

SpeedSynch Learning Platform

This is a sample of what our learners achieve with our SpeedSynch learning platform, and this is an overview of our approach–

Facilitators help adult learning groups assemble according to need and introduce topic frameworks, content, tools and provide guidance as the groups simultaneously learn and work. Our facilitators provide ‘blended’ guidance on-site, telephone or via the internet and learners employ any facilitator reviewed tools and techniques according to their objectives and the content encountered during their group learning journey. 

SpeedSynch accelerated learning leverages Social Media platforms which are now the preeminent content creation spaces. Learners create content as they navigate digital spaces according to their objectives and perspectives. 

Technology employed during the learning sessions may be very simple such as sketch pads and white boards or complex like computers, browsers and other software applications or decision support systems available to or requested by clients.

SpeedSynch Learning Groups

Groups of 4 to 6 people may be combined in a cluster of 3 to 4 groups.

Learning Topic

Typically a topic is set externally for learners by employers or community organizations or learning services providers. The learning approach and content focus is set by learner groups created with members whose skills and experience complement each other, their objectives, content and tools.

Desired Outcome

Learner groups learn a topic framework, review content, tools, techniques and examine associated best practices related to the topic. Facilitators or other group members may contribute additional material as group learning proceeds. Groups simultaneously learn and work towards creating an analysis in the form of a document or material to support an oral presentation delivered at the end of the class sessions.

Topic Framework

The topic framework is a ‘sandbox’ or flexible container that holds examples of desired learning outcomes, reports or presentations, learning content, tools, resources, a learning process outline and class schedule. Learning presentations are delivered by groups to the facilitator and class members.

Learning Content

Facilitators deliver a learner value proposition for the learning topic and course objectives, the topic framework and help assemble learning groups. Facilitator guidance and commentary is offered as needed for content or tools to support group learning and ‘home work’ or other preparation.

Simple Focus, Superb Results

Our SpeedSynch fast learning approach has a simple focus, the learner, and the faster learning occurs the more value is achieved by the learning process.  SpeedSynch fast learning has achieved consistant and proven results over the past seven years.

Contact us to learn how SpeedSynch fast learning helps you or your customers learn, quickly.

How Google Instant Shapes Your Brand

Google’s Instant looks like a simple change to help users though you should be aware of how it moulds your brand visibility and the how it nudges searchers during their search interactions. 

What is Google Instant?

Google Instant offers ‘suggestions’ as searchers type words into the Google search box and though this approach is not new Google has contrived a new way to offer search word suggestions that can shape your brand message by offering searchers keywords as they type.  If you are a brand owner this  problematic and the keywords suggested are ones that you didn’t purchase or negatively impact your brand and potentially determine whether searchers even find your brand.  We have tested a number of cases and found the simple story that includes Nescafe, Starbucks, Amazon and Google’s Instant to illustrate the peril of Google Instant to your brand value and the structrual flaw with SEO–you let Google shape your brand, and it may not be to your benefit.

On the plus side it ‘saves time’ for searchers as now they don’t have to read the search engine results pages or SERP to find what they seek.  For brand owners however it may appear that Google’s Instant is another way to extract advertising revenues as the ‘big brands’ magically appear even if their products are new or not well known. 

Bad new for SEO however as the concept of page ranking disappears as brand owners will now focus on ranking with instant suggestions rather than on a page.  While there is no public ‘rate card’ yet but bloggers out there see this opportunity and if Google doesn’t do it then another search engine will or better still a Social Media site! 

Google Instant Shapes Brand Visibility

Imagine if you had a very valuable consumer products brand, let’s say coffee and one of your most profitable and well respected products is instant coffee.  Now imagine waking up one morning and receiving a call from your marketing manager saying that your site traffic was down, your internet marketing responses just tanked and your SEO reports and internet marketing software appear to show that Google Instant may be the problem!   Could this happen to you? 

How Googles Instant Trumps Instant Coffee

Google Instant is new, a couple of days old when this blog post was written so not many of the billions of internet users have heard of it and fewer understand its implications, but one thing appears clear, Google Instant trumps Nescafe Instant Coffee in a search–imagine that!

Note is the suggestions offered as I type ‘instant’ into the search box and how it differs from a typical search process where you see a search engine results page or SERP after you type ‘instant’ and submit the word to Google. 

Resonance maps by SpeedSynch.com counter Google Instant Brand Shaping

Google Instant Trumps Brand Visibility and Messaging.

 This is what a ‘regular’ search looks like and the visibility of Nescafe is ok.  Amazon ranks higher as their business model is really SEO not books as most people think and affiliate marketers contribute a huge chunk of Amazon revenues by standing between Nescafe and their customers. 

You may re-consider both SEO and Google Instant after seeing them both up close and this is way since early 2009 over half of searches begine in Social Media sites and why IBM is nudging their channel partners into the Social Media spaces–profit. 

SpeedSynch determines Resonance to counter Google Instant

Google Instant Trumps Brand Visibility and Messaging

Resonance is the core of Twitter’s advertising model and avoids the dark side of SEO, spam and making people believe that they should surrender their brands to SEO and those that shape it.We can help you with SEO too if that’s what you need, call us to learn more about the rising impact of Social Media on internet marketing and how Resonance as a better, cooler, faster and more effective alternative to Google Instant and the erroding value of SEO.



http://isemanticblog.wordpress.com @speedsynch

Social Media Resonance Rules CRM

Social Media is a realtime indicator of your customers’ top of mind and you don’t have to call them or setup surveys but just look at what they post or where they go. While this is not foolproof it is pretty good. 

The link above shows SpeedSynch website and Twitter Resonance maps of ATUM the SaaS supplier of LuxorCRM and this is the LuxorCRM SpeedSynch Resonance map http://scenario2.media.officelive.com/Documents/s5-LuxorCRM.png 

Note that the Atum site ‘resonates’ a little differently than their Twitter feed which is hyper-focused to what they were promoting at the time. 

A simple way to look at this is that Twitter shows a short term focus, Social Media blogs show a mid-term focus and the corporate sites show a longer term focus. CRM must keep all three perspectives in front of the sales people so you don’t miss out. 

Oh, I almost forgot that it saves the sales people a lot of stress and keeps management up to date without much effort too. 

You can see more Resonance maps created with our SpeedSynch internet marketing software @ResonantView. We use them for competitive intelligence and SEO reports. 

Hope this helps provide a perspective of the value of Twitter and Social Media in general to CRM.  



Twitter Resonance Rules Brand Evolution — The Prequel.

It seems that during the rise of Social Media marketers have been confounded by the Twitter software platform and have struggled to understand its impact on the companies that they serve or their profession.  The temporary nature of Twitter communications is contradictory to one of the prime directives of marketing, defining and increasing brand value.
When I visited Silicon Valley in San Francisco in 1992 I saw the first Yahoo! billboards that promoted the notion of the internet and the Yahoo! directories and in 1998 or 1999 I noticed the beginning of Googles search engine results pages driven by content backlinks in a form of a popularity contest.  Five or six years later the idea of search engine optimization is born when competition starts to erupt over link names and search engine page results or SEPR ranking.


Marketers were watching Google carefully and noticed that it was much more cost effective to adevertise on the internet and you could advertise to individuals unlike mass media of the day.  Marketing was moving slowly into the world wide wieb and soon the crawl would be a walk and then a race to see who could stake the best words in a form of ‘virtual land grab’ so that when searchers entered a phrase into a search window the products promoted by savvy marketers would rise above their slower and less internet knowledgable competitors.


Branding also evolved quickly in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s mostly due to the rise and fall of world economies and old school advertising agencies we pressured heavily by Public Relations firms that repeatedly SHOUTED their messages.  It appeared that quanitiy and repetition had triumphed over quality, at least in most cases.  The repetition of brand messages fit well into the theory of branding where it was assumed that products would be purchased in perpetuity and that brand managers would strive to maximize profits and determine how to position brands so that competitors could not take customers and sales from the brand.


Economies of scale in manufacturing and advertising were critical drivers of brand equity where eventually competitors would start to outsource in continually lower cost global locations while seeking any advantage in their brand warfare.  Eventually the global outsourcing trend moved from a crawl to a brisk walk and then a frenzied dash to Canada then to Mexico, China, India, Brazil and the Phillipines.


Software suppliers like ASK, CA, BaaN, IMI, SAP, Oracle and IBM provided big corporations big systems to control global supply chains and achieve the dream of global economies of scale.  The stretched supply chaines required supplier agreement timelines of up to two years which became a problem and eventually bankrupt corporations like Nortel who were competiting with Asian competitors of handsets and telephone infrastructer with product cycles of six months or less.  The Nortel products and inventory, on-hand and future committments was obsolete before it could be manufactured  The large ERP systems compounded the problem as planning cycles were optimized and precise, thoug it was doubtful if the users were capable of assessing the risk or trained to deal with it nor were the suppliers capable of adjusting quickly to the new world order.  Time was speeding up and the corporations with few long term obligations and even fewer long term investments would reap the rewards.  Marketing and Branding followed the trend of cost reduction and increasing speed and internet services and product vendors like Cisco, Oracle and SAP were happy to comply with the direction and push hard when they realized giants like IBM were afraid of leaving profitable territory.


Rise of the Internet and Speeding up of Time
One significant consequence in the speeding up of time in business is that products have become commodities and in markets like fashion it may be as little as two or three days after a model walks down the runway in Milan that a knock off or copy of very good quality clothing is being loaded into a container in Asia bound for European and American retailers.  Branding is the only distinquishing feature in the commodity game and marketing the main value driver.


From early 2000 to about 2005 marketers had an easy time cutting advertising costs by shifting to PR and internet advertising, mostly around email and simple websites and while a lot was said about electronic commerce not too much was happening, yet.  As cost competition rose so did competition for favourable internet branding position and this cause the creation of a new profession, search engine marketers which could exploit the tendency of people to type a few words into a search engine box and be ‘served’ the answers to their questions.  Google made billions by being a servant. 


SEO Entrepreneurs Take Profits from the mouths of Search Engines
It didn’t take entrepreneurs too long to figure out how to exploit search engines and learn to stand between product manufacturers and millions of buyers who wanted to buy their products on-line saving 50% or more in the process.  Soon every brand would be pushed down in the search engine results pages or SERP.  The process accelerated faster with the creation of the Social Media software platforms WordPress, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and soon SEO entrepreneurs could create content and backlinks to easily manipulate the SERP and amateurs realized what was possible and they climbed aboard the gravy train.


In an attempt to counteract the trend Google buys Metaweb the semantic database firm, starts its own blog platform and starts archieving Twitter feeds while pushing the SEO entrepreneurs to create video content and feed its YouTube pipe which it aims squarely at the old Media conglomerates.  In the meanwhile Blockbuster Video enters bankruptcy protection in mid 2010 and Twitter reaches over 150 million users, most of them mobile and in countries like Brasil and India.  Sylvester Stallone shows the world the new Twitter marketing resonance rules as his move Expendables first catches and then screams by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Inception.  Stallone is fueled by a clever tsunami like Twitter campaign fueled by millions of Brasillian Tweets.


The quick rise of Social Media and Twitter makes it harder to convince advertisers that search engines would or even could continue to deliver the brand value and in late 2008 or early 2009 over half of searches started in Social Media software platforms.  Corporations quickly start jumping into the Social Media and Twitter pool with both feet distressing all of their suppliers who must quickly re-face products that were designed in the late 1990’s to now work in a world where business models and time had accelerated beyond recognition.


Twitter Rules Brand Evolution
With only 140 characters the Twitter software platform is able to deliver stunning value by combining content and backlinks so that if a Tweet or micro blog post is not popular it expires.  No need to assess or rank, no need to archieve.  All of the work is outsourced to the Twitter community.  Better still no need to worry about old content, good bad or indifferent, and certainly no need to build server farms worldwide.


Instead of charging fees based on ‘clicks’ and forcing customers to spend money and time on SEO that is totally disconnected with sales, Twitter charges advertisers according to how long a Tweet is heard and how far it goes across groups in the Twitterverse.  Unless a Tweet is ‘Re-Tweeted’ it expires though advertisers can promote their own Tweets which means that Twitter will place a very few of them in their Trending dashboard making them visible to millions of Tweeters globally.


Marketers get multiple branding messages for free which is a pleasant change from SEO models where a ‘conversion’ or sales ratio of 5% is considered wildy successful, if you don’t count that you have to pay for the other 95% of ‘clicks’.


Branding has moved to virtual real time speed with Twitter though marketers haven’t had the opportunity to explore or determine best measures Resonance or the relationship between Customers, Products and Content.


We have come to the end of our Prequel and examples of Resonance Measures and the technologies that we have applied for the past three years may be found at http://twitter.com/resonantview or https://speedsynch.wordpress.com or http://www.speedsynch.com


Nick Trendov

Resonance Inspires Content

Resonance is an important factor in internet marketing and inspires and drives Twitter’s advertising business model.

What is Resonance?

Resonance is a similar focus or purpose or interest and often it can be measured easily by understanding the stories active or top of mind for people or content.  On simple way to determine an affinity of resonance in people, objects, places, spaces, events or time is to assess the similarity and differences in perspectives or stories. 

While this is evident when looking at resonance between two people, except for the case of different perspectives which we will address later, how does this work when you compare perspectives of people and objects? 

Products Resonate

 One simple way to understand how people can resonate with objects is to define the object a product being offered for sale.  Products are concieved as an idea, designed, manufactured and taken to product and in most importantly, wrapped in stories to convey learning about the value of the product to future customers, how to deliver or repair the product and how the product should be made in order to deliver value to its buyer and profit to its seller and manufacturer.  Products resonate according to the stories in which they are wrapped as they proceed and mature from an idea to delivering value to a buyer.

Content is Shaped by Resonance

Once we know the perspectives or stories important in relationships then we can employ content to increase or decrease resonance.  Yes, it is true, sometimes you want to push things apart as in slowing down demand for a product that we won`t be able to deliver until next month or next quarter or perhaps is not as profitable or where we have a temporary quality issue.

Content has both Wayfinding and Product Values

Content has two unique values and is more than a story or image or brand as it may be used to convey learning, it may be used to help people find things and also be created as a product as is the case with publishers or a wayfinding tool as is the case with search engines or street maps.  The form that content takes depends on its use and its use depends on where content is valuable.

When content is used as a wayfinding or navigation tool, such as in search engine optimization or SEO, content is usually crafted to attract the attention of search engine spiders to specific website pages or other content which has product value.  The wayfinding content must resonate with both search engine spiders and searchers or people find it and use it to visually navigate to the space where they find answers to their questions or to help them refine their questions according to new perspectives encountered.

Resonance Inspires Content

It is the wayfinding value of content that must resonate with people and while wayfinding content is valued highly, look at Google’s stock value, it must also be changed constantly as searchers use different words and perspectives to describe similar problems on a regular basis.  Indeed the way searchers describe virtually identical perspectives changes about 30% per month so that in less than three months any product description must be modified according to ‘old school’ search engine optimization methods.  Ask yourself how you describe something you need today and observe how this changes constantly and while 30% may seem high it is still significant even if the number was 10% or less and this is one of the reasons why Google, Yahoo and BING are moving quickly to semantic SEO where different descriptions of a problem will yield similar or different search engine results depending on the user context or perspective. 

Content must change to accomodate changing customer perspectives, questions, problems or objectives as needs and markets never stand still, they always change.  This is one aspect of resonance and the way we describe out products and where we deliver content to attract searchers or customers to our products or content is the other aspect of resonance inspired content.

You can see how we measure resonance by looking at examples of our SpeedSynch internet marketing software @resonantview


Nick Trendov


Names Rule and Trump Brands in Social Media Internet Marketing

Social Media lets ordinary people create value by sharing their perspectives by posting blog content or Tweeting in their community spaces and places.

Perspectives and Names

The simple act of blogging shares perspectives among people and in the rich perspective we may see how many different names describe the ‘same thing’ or how one name may be used to describe many ‘different things’.   Indeed resonance inspires content and Social Media helps us create value with perspectives.

Command and Control Precision

From a seller’s perspective precision is next to godliness and this becomes evident as CEO’s strive to achieve ‘market visibility’ when they make their pronouncements of future sales numbers to stock market investors and likewise they demand precision in the budgets that are presented to the board for approval.  All risk is factored by sophisticated formulas and net present values in order to achieve their corporate objectives so that all employees survive and thrive.  Oddly enough things never quite go the way that CEO’s determine is best for them and the corporate trust that is in their charge and when I read about a corporations ‘meeting their numbers’ I wonder how the numbers were ‘shaped’ to achieve this stunning feat. 

Oddly enough corporations put on the appearand of precision in order to convey a sense of control in a world that changes in unexpected ways by the second.  Remember that the military term ‘command and control’ is applied frequently to corporate operations.

Precise Brands vs Names Perspectives

As a storyteller I believe naming is better, cooler and faster than branding for these reasons;

1.  Brand take seller perspectives and are ‘fixed’
2.  Names may take temporary customer perspectives

While there are as many different ways to name something as leaves of grass, consider how these two ways to name might help.  

1.  iinternetmarketingsoftware.com

This name applies a standard search engine optimization perspective and is based on the way that search engine spiders read names

2.  Google (include quotes) “Any words used in similar spaces share meaning.”

This second namiong approach is technically not a name but rather uses semantic meaning to link any searcher that ‘googles’ “Any words used in similar spaces share meaning.” to multiple links within a search engine results page or SERP.  Each link representa a different story perspective or name that might appeal to different searchers–all of the stories may lead to a brand or single name or multiple names.  Note that in this second case we don’t have to know which story or name appeals to searchers, they tell us by ‘declaring’ or selecting what is important to them at the time they see their options.

Names Rule and Trump Brands

Names rule in Social Media Internet Marketing because they reflect multiple perspectives which can be selected according to the needs of searchers rather than commanded and controlled by corporations or sellers regardless of value to buyers.

The ability of almost any blogger to influence SEO page rank simply removes the perception of control for corporations who depend on SEO to minimze their marketing risk. 

Naming is the New Branding

You will be forced to assess the impact of Social Media on your branding and marketing investments and sooner would be better than later, in our experience. 

http://www.speedsynch.com @resonantview

Naming is the New Branding

Social Media software platforms like WordPress, LinkedIn, Facebook and other provide a space for ordinary people to create their own content and compete with marketers and advertisers who are served by search engine corporations.  Today if you post enough blog content you can influence which links are presented to searchers by search engines.

Quantity Trumps Quality

Content quantity now rules quality and the value created by advertisers is temporary as it may be disrupted at any time by Social Media bloggers who create a ‘stronger path’ to links unreleated to the products or their brand owners regardless of how much money they spent to create those relationships.  If the idea that quantity of advertising or promotion trumps quality leaves a bad taste in your mouth then consider the poor advertising agencies who in the past four or five years have been swamped by Public Relations firms or advertisers that shout the same message many times–not exactly a quality focus though some ads are good.

Advertising and promotion on the internet is no longer even remotely additive which implies that the revenue and advertising models that up to late 2008 favoured search engine optimization or SEO have eroded quickly and there are opportunities in finding their replacements.

Go with Strength

If since late 2008 or early 2009 over half of all internet searches started in Social Media platforms and posting enough blog content will impact positively on your search engine results ranking or negatively impact your competitors then why do corporations still believe in the concept of search engine optimization?  May advertisers will go with strength and re-focus marketing investments to divert advertising programs and events from a SEO orientation to focus squarely on Social Media.


May marketers intuitively undersand the rise of social media though they continue to stick with applying the concept of branding to a platform that naturally embraces NAMING.  What is naming?

We view naming as something beyond the selection of a name as different people may apply more than one name to the same thing as they view it from at least two different perspectives.  HOT to one person is POPULAR to another and SICK to someone else–note that here SICK may actually mean someone is ILL or mean that something is emphatically GREAT in regional slang.

Names Rule and Trump Brands in Social Media Internet Marketing

You too can understand which names are important in your communities and to your customers by looking at their stories and how their stories RESONATE to attract people to content which in turn directs them to products or provides answers to questions important to searchers or customers.

Identify Names and Searcher Perspectives

Our objective is simple when using names–we idenfity which names and their associated story perspectives which make them valuable to people.  Here are the simple and proven steps that we use:

  1. Look for names or stories in content important to customers, ideally names that reflect current needs or objectives
  2. Analyze our products and brand to determine the ‘names’ or keyword themes that correspond to step 1 above
  3. Tune our content and Social Media or SEO or Media advertising to link important customer names to our products

Content and Customer Resonance

It is imporatant to note that content in Twitter, Social Media blogs and corporate web sites all change or resonante differently and when looking at the competitive analysis exemplar below we may direct some customers to Twitter, others to our Social Media blogs and others to our corporate site.  The determination of where we direct our customers depends on there interaction preferences and the closeness of NAMES in the three locations so that we align closely and carefully to customer names used.

Let’s start by understanding how our content resonates.  We determine how ‘people’ resonate with the same approach by looking at the content they post and the names they use to describe their questions or problems and answers or solutions they seek.

Social Media and Competitive Analysis  

Social media sites by their nature must change quickly to accomodate and serve their customers.  Web sites on the other had change very slowly in comparison.  They are tightly controlled effective, efficient and usually have a higher quality standard than social media sites, which is why since early 2009 content creation, searches and business models have moved towards social media.

Competitive Analysis and Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is not possible without competitive analysis as customers have too many options available.  They find content virtually anywhere and can buy from just as many suppliers.  Indeed if you Google any product or service the manufacturer or licensed reseller is often not on the first SERP or search engine results page.

Competitive analysis is the art of finding where you are compared to your competitors on Google and measuring the distance of your story from your current or future customers on LinkedIN, Twitter or WordPress.  SpeedSynch Semantic SEO report maps like the one below lets you easily compare the semantic signature of products, content and customers to determine if your story is close to your customer needs and when the distance changes.

SpeedSynch Twitter Feed Signals New Product Focus

* Double click on map and click again or use the zoom feature on your browser to view the two Resonance maps below…

Resonance map of SpeedSynch.com’s Twitter Stream

Note different themes on the Twitter feed of SpeedSynch.com and the Resonance map of SpeedSynch.com below.
SpeedSynch.com Semantic SEO report map by SpeedSynch internet marketing software for semantic backlink and link quality to boost SERP rank

SpeedSynch.com Resonance Map

We clearly see the SpeedSynch Twitter shift by looking at the semantic differences  to the web site Resonance map above.  

Names Rule and Trump Brands in Social Media Internet Marketing

While this may seem like a controversial statement, in my experience names rule and trump brands in Social Media internet marketing and the sooner you assess if this is true for your company or brand the bigger advantage you will have to create new and unique value for your customers.


Nick Trendov

www.speedsynch.com @resonantview